Watchdog AIVD Warns Judges Against Partially Negligent Jihadism Report NOW


This Intelligence and Security Services Surveillance Commission (CTIVD) had already pointed out these shortcomings. But then the CTIVD did not yet know that the publication of the AIVD had already been used in jihadist trials that had been published.

The CTIVD has now pointed out to the authorities involved imprudences. For the AIVD, for example, argues that the recruitment of new jihadists is a "crucial part" in the life of a woman who has left for the Islamic IS radical territory.

The CTIVD contacted the Council of Justice, the Dutch Bar Association and the Netherlands Association of Lawyers and Attorneys

The watchdog noted the errors in the public publication of the AIVD Leven Bij ISIS, From Myth Ontrafeld. The 2016 start-up report provides information on people who have traveled to the IS region since the Netherlands since 2014.

The conscious choice

The CTIVD research shows that the report has been reinforced at the request the National Counterterrorism Coordinator. So that travelers can not rely on the ignorance of the situation on the spot. "It is only after the insistence of the NCTV that the person who goes to the IS" knowingly "makes the choice to join a terrorist group.

According to the AIVD, the report is accurate. Following criticism from the CTIVD, the secret services followed the recommendations. On the website, it is now emphasized that open publications present a general picture that does not apply to every individual, according to a spokesperson.

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