What is the success of the Zwarte Cross?



With 222,000 visitors, 33 scenes, 800 theater artists, 18 hours of cross-violence and more than 250 bands from here and there, the Zwarte Cross is the biggest festival paying from the Netherlands. Today begins the 22nd edition of the festival. But what makes the Zwarte Cross so special?

De Zwarte Cross has already started in Hummelo and has attracted a few hundred visitors. Meanwhile, the Zwarte Cross is located in three villages: Lichtenvoorde, Lievelde and Vragender

And if we have the Black Cross, it is quickly clear that there are two teams. Or do you think it's great and keeps coming back year after year or you've never been there and assumes it's a festival for the "farmers" of the province. However, the festival was already exhausted this year before the start and more and more young people from the Randstad are visiting the festival.

Photo: Zwarte Cross

Weekend looks forward to

Sarah Verschuren (22) from Utrecht usually goes to techno festivals like Sunda, Strafwerk and Pleinvrees ] but also Zwarte Cross is in its list of favorite festivals. This year, she leaves for the fourth time. "A teammate from my volleyball team took us, now it's become a tradition.Of course, there is music, but that's the cross and there's a lot of drama and The atmosphere is very good, there is never any fight and every time it's a weekend to hope! "

According to Sarah, the Zwarte Cross is different from most festivals. "You have to lie, there are also teammates who do not like it at all, in most festivals it's all about music, and then you dance and drink. is especially fun, a little cold in the sun, drinking beer and meeting acquaintances. "

Photo: Zwarte Cross

Ymke, 27, has been going to Zwarte Cross for nine years. has been thought of everywhere and there is something new to see every year Old Farmers Yes, of course, there is "agricultural rock", but the Zwarte Cross is more than that. looking forward to the unknown groups that I will spot here

Free and cowardly work method

The communication employee Pieter Holkenborg has been working for the organization for ten years. "We can do everything we want to. It's very free. A little detached from the wrist style, without strict restrictions. We also do not have the particular marketing style we use. We do what we love. According to Pieter, this free and loose method ensures that visitors like to come to the festival.

Photo: Zwarte Cross

Not always successful

He has trouble explaining success. Zwarte's was not always a success. "In the early years, the media stayed away from us, they thought it was a little out of control that they wanted nothing to do with it. . "The success of the festival is probably in the word-of-mouth advertising

" In the early years The festival was really carried by the visitors, they liked it and distributed it to their friends and family. "The strong bond with the region also contributes to the success of the Zwarte Cross.

Photo: Zwarte Cross

] Twenty years of loyal fan

Alwin, 37, comes from the region and is a loyal visitor At the age of 17, he goes to the festival for the first time and twenty years later, with great pleasure. "If you have been once, you will never stay home again." Something has changed these last years? "Yes, it has become a lot bigger. But this friendly atmosphere, it still remains. It's a lot busier, but it does not seem huge. "

While in the early years of the stage there was mostly room for Dutch and local bands, the line-up has also changed in recent years.There is a special hip-hop scene and DJs Partysquad, Gio and Girls Love also come in. "No problem, right? If people like this music? The festival is expanding, but you will not get it. "

Photo: Zwarte Cross

No Farmers' Day?

Pieter describes the festival as a sort of adult paradise." And a bit of the carnival, everyone brings friends and family together. "Despite the size of the festival, they want the festival to remain accessible to everyone – no farmers' party?" Well, what do you mean by the farmers? It's actually a bit of a nickname. In the Randstad, the term "farmers" takes on a completely different charge, plus that of underdeveloped barbarians. With "we" has a different meaning and is meant to be more user-friendly. We do not focus on a specific target group or age. Young, old, randstad, achterhoek, everyone is welcome. "

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