Who is Maria Butina who allegedly spied in the United States? | NOW


Butina worked from 2015 until at least 2017 for a senior Russian official. According to US media, it is Alexander Torshin, who has close ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin

. With the help of Torshin, Butina reportedly attempted to establish relations with influential Americans. In one case, the woman used sex to find a job. The Russin would have even established a relationship with a prominent man in the Republican Party, twice as old as her.

According to prosecutors, she also tried to infiltrate various organizations, so that US political policy in favor of Russia

Russian interference

According to prosecutors, Butina's activities are an extension of hackers who tried to influence the outcome of the US presidential elections in Russia in 2016.

All US intelligence agencies have evidence that this interference has taken place. US President Donald Trump has long denied any interference, despite information from his own secret services. It was only recently, after much criticism of his performance at the summit with his Russian counterpart Putin, that he also confirmed that he was participating in the conclusions of the services

Butina's ultimate goal would be infiltration within the Republican Party.

National Rifle Association

The Russian would have liked to achieve her goal by working herself in a powerful club of firearms. According to US media, it is the National Rifle Association (NRA), of which Torshin is a member, but this has not been confirmed by the authorities. The NRA maintains close ties with President Trump's Republican Party.

The fact that Butina was able to turn to the NRA is not surprising considering her antecedents. She is committed to owning weapons in her own country by creating the organization Right to Bear Arms in 2013. She had already made contact with members of the US lobby of Russia


By Through Right to Bear Arms, Butina was in contact with, among others, Paul Erickson, a conservative lobbyist later, CNN . for the Trump election campaign. With him, according to the information channel, she had a relationship in 2013.

Prosecutors see the relationship between Butina and Erickson, which they do not name themselves, as a requirement for them. secret activities of Butina in the United States. The 56-year-old American has not responded to accusations until now

The Russians also reportedly infiltrated conservative religious organizations such as the National Prayer Breakfast, an annual meeting of the network for the leaders of the Christian-conservative corner.

The woman visited the United States on several occasions. Not once did she say that she was working for the Russian government during her stay, which is illegal under US law. She also did not mention it when she moved to the United States with a student visa.

She was arrested on July 15 in her hometown of Washington DC, shortly after the controversial summit between Putin and Trump. A judge decided that she should stay in the proceedings of her case. There would be a high risk of escape, but his lawyer denied that


According to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the charge against the woman is not based on facts and behavior of Americans is "unacceptable". The Russians say that his arrest is motivated by political reasons and therefore call for his release.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov asked his US counterpart to release Butina on Saturday. The Russian government has even launched an Internet campaign to reinforce this call.

But the United States did not answer the call. The Russian is Tuesday for conspiracy against the US state. In the event of conviction, she faces a prison sentence of up to fifteen years. Butina herself claims to be innocent

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