Why are they so terribly angry with Dirk-Jan van Baar in filming the far right


Commentator Dirk-Jan van Baar is attacked by the far-right masses nowadays. The garbage roses that protrude above the stinking crop in this area play the leading role: The Post Online, The Daily Standard, GeenStijl e tutti quanti took the lead, the twitterhorde without talent who visits these sites, try to take a step forward. A disheveled soul, inadvertently touched by God, even prevails on the fact that he made a statement to Van Baar against the police.

What is the context of all this? As a precaution, the municipality of Maastricht has put great obstacles around the Vrijthof where the grandson André Rieu gives a series of concerts. Arthur van Amerongen, also known as Don Arturito, wrote a column about it in HP De Tijd: "André Rieu and Merkel-lego: Jihad op het Vrijthof". The suggestion was clear. Refugees were directly associated with terrorism here.

Van Baar called this fascist and when he was called to account on the roads of the far right, he did not slip into his shell. On the contrary: he reacted with a series of tweets among which:

He also wonders why no one from CIDI joined this illustrious company. There was a reason for this because the Center for Information and Documentation of Israel (CIDI), which was a reflection of all the thoughts in Israel, has long since become a kind of spokesman for the Likoed party of Netanyahu. It was corn in the mill of the assailants. Now, they could accuse Van Baar of anti-Semitism. Jan Dijkgraaf even published on The Post Online a Note of Jan with a link to the name and address of the unfortunate commentator, supposed to prove that he would not be bothered by anyone afterwards

. Why are opinion makers on the far right so bad at ease? After all, they often get cotton. An opinion site like Krapuul has a day job on it. However, you do not touch it above its tea water. There must be more behind. Can Van Baar be in order? In far-right circles, there are more ugly demons: Joshua Livestro and Peter Breedveld of Frontaal Naakt must also fight again and again. What do they have in common? They have in common that the Don Arturitos, the Rob Highlands, the Spartacus, the Jan Gajentan whom they once regarded as allies and soul mates

  far right
Image: trialsander

Dirk Jan van Baar was shown in the nineties last century a Bolkestein sympathizer. Joshua Livestro began in the same years with his attempts to take off a conservative political movement in the Netherlands. He is the founder of the Daily Standard blog, which he later sold to his second husband Michael van der Galiën. Peter Breedveld founded his Frontaal Naakt because he was annoyed by the politically correct atmosphere of the year 2000 when it was taboo to ask about the less successful aspects of the multicultural society. We expected a lot of them. They had to declare their homage to Pim Fortuyn's ideas. They had to consider Islam as a threat and Islamization as a given fact. And in recent years, it was expected that they consider Thierry Baudet as a suitable candidate for the father's role of the homeland. In this mix, hatred towards the European Union was a compelling element as well as a desire to close the borders.

Peter Breedveld was the first to deviate from the true doctrine. Already before 2010, he established that in the Netherlands a new political correctness prevailed, this time full of right-wing positions and prejudices that should not be questioned. He did not make a murderous pit of his heart, and he became the central pet peeve of the far right blogosphere. You must hate Breedveld. Otherwise, you do not count.

Joshua Livestro is as conservative as he was. Like Winston Churchill, he can make a clear distinction between this venerable political doctrine and rabicism, against the racist and embarrassing chauvinism that characterizes the movements around Wilders and Baudet. The same applies to Dirk-Jan van Baar. For him, there is no smooth transition between the thought of the VVD and that of the PVV or the FVD. He draws a clear line. For its part, democracy and human rights are essential values, on the other hand, they are part of the old thing that must be shaken to keep the homeland free from strange flaws. Livestro and Van Baar do not stop shrugging. They put their finger on the wound. They attack the dogmas of the far right to show that they have nothing to do with their own liberal or conservative Thorbeckian views.

They distance themselves from the mentality that has emerged. See for example the following reactions to a play on the results of the Miss Netherlands elections on GeenStijl:

Why all these Dutch flags? Because otherwise you can barely see that it is the election of Miss Netherlands.

Tip for publishers. If all Miss elections were held in Europe, count how many purebred Europeans have won. Prediction, less than 50%.

AanDiggelen | 10-07-18 | 07:11

Dutch women do not belong to the best that this world has to offer. Arrogant, fat and stupid. Especially when they studied, they are high in the ball and heavy on the ass.

Gulliver | 10-07-18 | 07:32

Because Schelvis and Scheveningen are no longer working, I propose to introduce the germination test. A plate full of well-cooked jars and bacon (to filter the Muslims). Whoever eats his plate completely empty with a smile, is an eccentric Dutchman. It is one of us!

atheist vote | 10-07-18 | 07:34

Hahahaha, guys. Did you sleep badly tonight? European women are the most beautiful. And this beauty must never be lost. Clutter is also through image formation, and forced winners are part of it.

For the rest, hello to all.

P.s. The aforementioned examples of Indonesian are not models for the average European woman tbh.

AanDiggelen | 10-07-18 | 07:50

Breedveld, Van Baar and Livestro dare to use the disputed word F for this mental attitude. This is not all: they are convinced that the European Union is necessary to maintain freedom and prosperity on our continent. They defend European cooperation against chauvinists, they oppose racist proposals, they warn against authoritarian and intolerant tendencies within populist movements. You do not have to come to them with the discussion that the Union is an elite skill.

Now, it is clear why this trio is not left alone: ​​they are renegades. They are apostates. They are defectors. They betrayed everything. And therefore, they receive no mercy. It's not even their bad thoughts, it's about who they once were or better said for whom they were once considered. Highlands, Spartacus, Arturitos, they had vipers adorned their breasts.

In this respect, the right-wing subculture shows a remarkable deal with the Communist Party of the Netherlands (CPN) more regrettably. He has also always made his most poisonous attacks against ex-members who were expelled or who voluntarily withdrew. For them, the magazine of the De Waarheid party reserved the most crude indications ("hissing reptile") and the most bizarre accusations. The traitors were avoided by the communists like the plague and watched at the same time. If there was a hint of the smallest dirt, then the truth would be released.

You can see it now in the attacks on Van Baar, Livestro and Breedveld.

There is another remarkable similarity between the CPN of the past. and the right contemporary mood makers. If you ever tried to convince these old Communists of the Soviet Union, you would still hear: "The NCP is not for Russia, the NCP is not for China. the Netherlands ". Nevertheless, the party has always sung the praises of the Soviet Union's coherent peace policy, as completely different from the US imperialists. Here too, the old times seem to come back. The leaders of the far right do not hide their sympathy for Putin's Russia. Like the CPN, they advocate a friendly relationship with this country. At accusations such as Russians with trolls and false new campaigns are trying to sow confusion in the West, for example, no faith is attached. Putin is OK. Better perhaps than the government of the country in which the cartel parties throw the ball together. In the past, the NCP also said it: the Communists spoke only of the bourgeois parties, which were all a wet pot

. This parallel between the past and the present can stem from the ideological correspondence between the far right of our country and the Kremlin. He feels the affinity of the soul with Russia as communists who once felt with the Soviet Union. The police do not wear the rubber bat in vain. Putin is an authoritarian leader who does not hesitate to wipe his cloak off TV. Marxism-Leninism has given way to state ideology to instinctive nationalism. The Russian soul, patriotic sacrifice, a special fate and orthodox faith play a major role in this doctrine. Deviant ideologies, such as liberalism, are pushed back into the margins by the government and the media. Art, culture and history are at the service of national pride as propagated by Thierry Baudet in our country.

Verbal violence against opposition leaders ultimately has much in common with the tone and style of Dirk-Jan van Baar has become. And what Breedveld and Livestro were used to for a long time

The case of Dirk-Jan van Baar stresses the following conclusion: just as in the days of the NCP, there are points of agreement between the official teachings of Russia and a rebel political movement in the Netherlands. It's remarkable to see. It would be as entertaining if few character murders were committed on people who show that they want to keep thinking independently.

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