Widow Chris Cornell challenges a singer's doctor in court Now


The widow of the singer of Soundgarden and Audioslave, Chris Cornell, Vicky Cornell, wants to file a lawsuit against Robert Koblin, the doctor of her deceased husband

According to her, the doctor would have given too much drugs to Cornell, written . ] TMZ . The American entertainment site has court documents in hand.

Although the official cause of Cornell's death was suicide, his family did not believe from the beginning that the singer had committed suicide deliberately, but under the influence of medicine had ended to his days. 19659004] Singer would never be warned of side effects

The singer of Soundgarden used lorazepam angstremmer, which in exceptional cases can worsen depression. According to the widow, her husband has had too much and has never been warned of the side effects of the medication.

"Chris was a former drug addict and was using drugs, perhaps consuming more than the recommended dose.I think Chris did not know what he was doing," according to the statement from the lawyer's the family, just after the death of Cornell

The amount of compensation that the Cornell family wants to claim during the trial is unknown.

Cornell's musical career

Cornell founded Soundgarden in 1984 with guitarist Kim Thayil and bassist Hiro Yamamoto. The band received a Grammy for the album Superunknown from 1994. This album also contains the band's most famous song, Black Hole Sun .

The group separated in 1997., but met again thirteen years later. In 2012, King Animal the last album of the group, appeared .

Between 2001 and 2007, Cornell and members of Rage Against the Machine formed the successful group Audioslave. This group has released three albums and received three Grammy nominations.

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