Wiebes, Minister of Earthquake, invited to summer guests


"A moment he is smart and fast and the moment after he slows things down and puts his patience to the test.And that makes him elusive." that Janine Abbring announced the fifth guest of the TV show Zomergasten: Minister Eric Wiebes.

Abbring himself lived in the earthquake zone: at Westeremden

"The man behind political programs"

For Wiebes it's an exception: "I never participate in de-human-back-politicians programs. Why now? Because I've always looked at Zomergasten in the past, I think. My evening is on progress. Because my whole life is focused on progress. "

The broadcast in which the Minister of Economic Affairs can be seen is broadcast on Sunday, August 26 at 8:15 pm on NPO 2.

Read also:

– Janine Abbring continues to present guests from Summer
– Janine Abbring wins the Sonja Barend Award
– Janine Abbring will present summer guests