Wilfred Genee cracks Paul de Leeuw


Wilfred Genee has little to say about Paul de Leeuw. According to Genee, the old VARA icon does not belong to the top of the entertainment anymore.

Wilfred delivered his remarkable statement with Jan Versteegh on his radio show The Friday move on BNR.


Genee and Versteegh discuss various transfers in broadcasting, including the recent transfer from De Leeuw to RTL 4. Jan called Paul in his analysis "one of the greatest artists in the Netherlands ", where Genee interrupted him with the note that Paul was.

Same piece of art

To clarify, Wilfred says: "I have a little feeling that he's standing, very honestly, he's still doing the same trick, luckily we do not VI but many people still look at it, haha. "Jan spoke up for Paul:" I wonder if RTL is the step it has to do, but I also understand that he does, I think that RTL is looking for new faces and I think that Paul de Leeuw is really a great artist. "

Paul reacts

On Twitter, Paul received the support of his colleagues, and finally he has answered. De Leeuw thought that last season with He was late! was shown capable of renewing and having energy.

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