Willem-Alexander is allowed during a state visit to Elizabeth


The state visit that King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will make to the UK next week is not just a state visit.

It belongs to the category of outdoor activities. This is partly due to the politically sensitive situation of Brexit. Constitutional princes such as Elizabeth and Willem-Alexander, however, can only be the mouthpieces of their governments.

The state visit is particularly special because of the person of the British Queen. Elizabeth (92) has been on the throne for 66 years. She is the oldest sovereign in the world and everything indicates that she will remain in place until the end of her life, in accordance with the monarchical traditions of her country.

12 Centuries of Monarchy

Compared to Queen Elizabeth, King Willem-Alexander (51) with his five-year reign is only a "beginner". When Elizabeth paid tribute to the Netherlands during a state visit in 1958, he was not even born yet. In addition, the Dutch monarchy has existed for more than two centuries. The English have a king for more than 12 centuries

The United Kingdom was a superpower before decolonization made it a reality. The result is that Elizabeth is still at the helm of the Australian, New Zealander and Canadian state. In terms of tradition, stature and advertising appeal, the Dutch monarchy is only pale with the British

Relations between the British and Dutch royals are also warm. Willem-Alexander made an introductory visit to Elizabeth immediately after his accession to the throne and the two monarchs also met at the commemorations of the war in 2014 and 2015. But still: Willem-Alexander was allowed to visit Elizabeth .


form of protocol-based contact between countries. During her 66-year reign, Elizabeth made 111 state visits. In the 33 years she has been on the throne, Queen Beatrix has made official visits. His current visit to Willem-Alexander and Máxima is his seventeenth birthday in five years.

However, the difference is great when there are new state visits. Elizabeth has about the same number of incoming and outgoing state visits: about 110. Beatrix and Willem-Alexander, however, received a half-head of government inferior to their visit. This encourages many heads of state to make a state visit to the United Kingdom

For the elderly, Elizabeth, state visits are a heavy burden. During a state visit, she almost never does and she only received a state visit a year. Willem-Alexander is in the limelight this year. This does not mean that Queen Elizabeth will always accompany the Royal Dutch couple during their visit. Again, in itself, it is common for some of the many successors to the throne in the British royal waiting room to be replaced.

Prince Charles

The eldest son of Elizabeth, Prince Charles (69 years and first in line of succession to the throne) informally receive the royal Dutch couple. Queen Elizabeth then takes charge of the ceremony. She is also present at lunch and at the state banquet, but tea is drunk by Prince Charles.

On the second day of the visit, Elizabeth's son, Prince Edward (age 54 and 10th in the estate) and Elizabeth's cousin, Edward (age 73 and 24) play. in the line of succession to the throne) a role in the accompaniment of Dutch society. Elizabeth herself said goodbye to the Dutch visit.

The published curriculum does not include the grandsons or sons of Elizabeth's Charles and Diana: Prince William (age 36 and second in line with the successions to the throne) and Prince Harry (age 34 and succession to the throne)

Theresa May

The fact that Queen Elizabeth does not play a permanent visible role in the official visit of Willem-Alexander and Máxima to London does not detract from her weight. The speech of the King of the Netherlands to the British Parliament and his meetings with Prime Minister Theresa May, opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn and Mayor of London Charles Bowman prove that

Brexit or not, the message seems be that of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. stay.

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