"William and Kate want to become the friend of Prince Louis" | NOW


Miguel Head, Prince William's divorcing private secretary, is the favorite. He says goodbye to his job this month.

Tiggy Legge-Bourke is also an important candidate according to the participants in the bet. After the death of their mother, Princess Diana, she was for years the nanny of William and his brother Harry.

In addition, Laura Lopes, daughter of Duchess of Cornwall Camilla, and Rebecca Priestly, the former private secretary of Kate,

Harry and Meghan

The British media do not expect Harry and his wife give Meghan a chance. The Paris offices also have little confidence in this, given the high rating.

Louis is baptized in London on Monday, July 9th. Sponsors are traditionally announced just before the ceremony. William and Kate chose George and Charlotte for good friends and court members who mean a lot to them.

Zara Tindall, William's niece, is George's godfather, the only member of the royal family couple was asked.

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