Windows 10 allows you to remove preinstalled applications – News


Microsoft announces the changes on its own blog. This is an overview of the next Windows 10 update, which should be deployed next April. With this update, it should be possible to remove some of the applications provided with Windows 10.

The applications that remain on your system are still Cortana and the Edge browser, no matter if you use them little. However, you can delete 3D Viewer, Calculator, Calendar, Groove Music, Messaging, Movies and TV Shows, 3D Painting, Cutouts and Sketches, Sticky Notes and Sound Recorder. And if you regret this decision, you can download them from the Windows Store thereafter.

Microsoft has been working for some time on streamlining its operating system and allowing users to remove their own bloatware from the system again. In the October update of this year, it was already possible to delete the Microsoft Solitaire collection, My Office, OneNote, 3D Print, Skype, Tips and weather forecasts. This October update also allowed files to be lost and sound cards unusable. It is therefore possible that the launch of the next update in April is delayed somewhat in order to get the worst bugs this time. = function () {
// initiate the SDK FB JS
FB.init ({
appId: "1537942929755338", // app ID from the app dashboard
status: true, // check the status of the Facebook login
xfbml: true // Search social plugins on the page

// The additional initialization code such as adding event listeners goes here
FB.Event.subscribe (& # 39; edge.create & # 39 ;,
function (href, widget) {
if (href.indexOf (& # 39; & # 39;) == -1) {
headjs.ready ("bp_bt", rmgBtTrackerCallBack (1, "fb"))

// Load the SDK asynchronously
(function () {
// If we already installed the SDK, we're done
if (document.getElementById (& # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39;)) {return;}

// Get the first script element, which we will use to find the parent node
var firstScriptElement = document.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; script); [0];

// Create a new script element and define its identifier
var facebookJS = document.createElement (& # 39; script & # 39;); = & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39 ;;

// Define new scripts from the source of the JS Facebook SDK
facebookJS.src = "";
// Insert the Facebook JS SDK into the DOM
firstScriptElement.parentNode.insertBefore (facebookJS, firstScriptElement);
} ());
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