Woman reunited after 31 years with her kidnapped son


In Canada, a woman finds her kidnapped son after 31 years. "I am proof that after so long, you should never give up," said the woman. His father took his son at the age of 1 year.

The boy was told that his mother had died after birth. Lyneth Mann-Lewis, however, closed his son in his arms last Monday.

Died after birth

Jermain and his father, Allan, left after the kidnapping in America, where he made sure that they would build a new life under one another. identity. "They actually lived a life of lies about who they were and what they did, without Jermaine knowing about it," police spokesman Wayne Banks said at a news conference. press conference shortly after reunification. "He had the idea that his mother had died shortly after his birth."

After the disappearance of her son, Lyneth immediately contacted the police and a foundation working for missing children. However, the search yielded no results until the case was discussed at an international conference two years ago.


AD writes that a collaboration between the Toronto Police and the US Federal Police eventually led to the arrest of Father Allan last Friday in Vernon. With the aid of a facial recognition software, he could be arrested and his true identity revealed.

Mother and son have since been reunited. "Mother, you have my eyes" was the first thing Jermaine said to her mother. According to Lyneth, the meeting with her son was very moving. "He took me in his arms and kissed me and we stood for a very long time." Her current husband was also present at reunification. In addition, no image was made of the meeting to protect Jermaine's privacy

. Allan is transferred to the Canadian authorities and will be prosecuted. He has committed several crimes in the United States.

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