Woman to write Poem of Book Week after serious criticism of the CPNB | inside


In addition to a poem by an author, the organizer of the Book Week will also ensure that the relationship between writers is the same in the coming years.

The choice of male authors results in particular a petition of writers and people of the book trade, which have already been signed by seven hundred people. They accused the CPNB of identifying the woman only with motherhood and that the theme is only reflected by the male authors. The foundation reacted shocked and spoke of a major misunderstanding.

Parties began to talk to each other, in which critics argued for an equal gender distribution for the writing of annual leaflets that come out in the week of the book. The NBPC agreed with this in a statement that the parties jointly release on Tuesday. "The CPNB wants to keep open the possibility one year of asking two women for gifts and essays the other year two men, where the full balance (50/50) of this ratio over the years is categorically guaranteed. After five years, this decision will be evaluated. "

It was also agreed that the choice already made for writers next year, Jan Siebelink for the donation and Murat Isik for the test, remains unchanged.However, after all the criticism appears now a poem of a poet that has not yet been mentioned.

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