"Word Jew has become an abuse!" – The Daily Standard


A sad poll today at EenVandaag. No, THINK does not increase 20 seats. Even worse, almost 50% of all Jews in our country no longer feel safe here. They believe that their faith has become an abuse, are regularly attacked and must constantly defend themselves against the actions of the state of Israel – even if they have nothing to do with it.

Never again. It was the feeling right after World War II. There can never be a situation where whole population groups are systematically harassed in Europe, treated as third class citizens and then killed. The Holocaust was a horrible thing and should never come back.

We are here in 2018. No, there is no active persecution of Jews by the government – let alone killing camps – but the treatment of this vulnerable group is truly wrong. The security of the people of the Book is under great pressure. The Jews are only too aware of it, so they trust EenVandaag. That today published the conclusions with some shocking figures:

"Many Jews in the Netherlands do not dare to express their Jewish origin." This is evidenced by a survey conducted among 557 Jews in the Netherlands, conducted by EenVandaag with the help of Central Jewish Consultation and JMW Jewish Welfare Half (47%) of participants do not feel free to be openly Jewish in Netherlands

Participants indicate that anti-Jewish sentiments are ubiquitous in the Netherlands and perceive anti-Jewish sentiments mainly on the Internet (82%), the media (59%) and the street ( 52%) .This leads Jews to change their behavior: 43% of participants change their appearance or their clothes to prevent them from being recognized as Jews, for example by wearing a cap on their yarmulke when they out of the street, half (48%) sometimes avoid fear of anti-Jewish remarks. "

The stories reported by EenVandaag are more poignant than the abstract figures.His neighbor told a Jew that he could only live next to him because Hitler would be" forgotten to refuel him. " essence to his family. "The cars are striped with swastikas and all the time they have to respond to everything that happens in Israel as if every Jew was literally an extension of what is happening thousands of kilometers away.

Welcome to the constitutional state of the Netherlands in 2018. Where, on paper, we are all equally free and enjoy the same legal protection, but unfortunately the Jews are a little less numerous than others For shame !

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