Wüst: It was just my own mistake & # 39; Ice skating


Wüst, number two, crashed almost immediately after his start in the last stage against Beune. "I am very happy to be still standing," said the 32-year-old TalentNED athlete. "With my second or third pass, I entered the ice with the tip of my left pad, I really thought," Well, I'm going there. "That's what I've felt, but fortunately I was able to hold myself at the last minute. "

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De Jong far too fast for Wüst

Wüst is well beaten after his big hitch . "I really had to do it again, it was a lot of energy, and then you will have a shortage at the end of the race, my legs were completely full on a piece I can normally go through." My stumble has nothing to do with the ice.This can happen anywhere, but for me it was the first time.It was just my own mistake.But I can still join the World Cups to come and it's all right. is the most important. "

De Jong was stunned by his own performance. "For the first time this season, I felt like I was skating, the last little extra I could give now, I sat down deeply and fell to be able to hold my energy. continued to skate until the end and when I saw the time, I thought: "1,55, how? This is my personal best on a flat track and only 0.9 more than my best time on a high job. It suits me very well so early in the season.

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