"YouTube will come to Nintendo Switch on November 8"


When the Switch was announced, Nintendo announced that the console specifically focused on games and that video services, such as YouTube and Netflix, would not be immediately available. In this area, little has changed since its launch in 2017, although the Hulu streaming service has been made available to Switch users in the United States.

YouTube Application for Nintendo Switch

However, good news seems to be emerging. The YouTube application for Nintendo Switch was recently spotted in the "Recommended" section of the Nintendo website. According to the website, YouTube will be released on November 8 in the online store. Shortly after the discovery, the references to the application were removed by Nintendo, although it is plausible that this information was published too early. We expect the YouTube app to be available for free

Netflix is ​​another popular streaming service that is not yet available for the Nintendo Switch. In January of this year, Netflix announced that it was exploring the possibilities offered by Nintendo, but that nothing had been decided yet. He has remained silent ever since, although that does not necessarily mean that nothing has changed since.

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