“Never Have I Ever” Final Recap: Season 2, Episode 10


For a while there in I have neverIn the Season 2 finale, it looks like all of Devi Vishwakumar’s flip-flops between potential suitors Ben and Paxton could be in vain.

Ben, deeply hurt by Devi’s attempt to date the two boys earlier in the season, barely speaks to him again. Moreover, he is dating his friend, Aneesa. And Paxton, who had been happy to sneak into Devi’s bedroom for some late-night makeup sessions, publicly rejects her invitation to attend the school’s winter ball.

The latter is profound, given that Ben witnesses all the humiliating interaction in the hallway of the school. He follows Devi into the girls’ bathroom, where he finds her crying. He puts aside his hurt feelings to comfort her, telling her that Paxton doesn’t deserve her, and the sweet moment hints that maybe their friendship (and more?) Isn’t as destroyed as it seems.

And when Paxton shows up in Devi’s room later that night, expecting to smooch like nothing has changed, she says no. After all, he’s clearly embarrassed to be seen with her, right? The answer is yes… but maybe not like you thought. “How am I supposed to be publicly with the girl who cheated on me and ruined my swimming career?” He asks when pressed, and he’s a little right. Devi absorbs this but holds on: she tells him that she can’t be his girlfriend in secret. And when he says they can’t date in public, that’s it.

So Devi watches the dance with Eleanor, and they hang out until Trent walks up and asks Eleanor to dance. Meanwhile, Fabiola is true to herself as she leaves the party to hang out in the robotics room and restore Gears Brosnan to her former glory. Oh, and she and Eve are crowned queen and queen!

Eventually, Devi decides she’s going to leave. And as she enters the road in front of the school, Paxton accidentally hits her with her car! She’s fine – although I don’t know how – which he sees as he hurries to check on her. And guess what? He decided he wanted to be her boyfriend, in public, in private, anywhere.

So they return to the formal, slow dance, which does not escape Ben’s attention. As he moans out loud that Devi has always had his heart on Paxton, Eleanor hears him and corrects him. “After you took her to Malibu, she wanted to choose you. But Fab and I dissuaded him. Sorry about that. What about everything she did to Aneesa? She was jealous, because she thought you were hanging on to the relay. So just for the record, he didn’t always been him.

Meanwhile, on the dance floor, Devi says, “So, I guess I’m Paxton Hall-Yoshida’s girlfriend now… I wonder what it’s going to be like.” And as they kiss, Ben looks crestfallen across the room.

Now it’s your turn. Rate the finale and the season as a whole via the polls below, then hit the comments!


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