New Apex Legends PC Update Patchset Crash


Respawn has released patch notes for a PC update for Apex Legends. The update is already online and is specifically aimed at repairing PC game crashes.

"The game now needs to write an apex_crash.txt file to your My Documents folder when it crashes," Respawn Community Director Jay Frechette wrote in a Reddit blog post. "The apex_crash.txt files that we received from the players contained a lot of information that we needed … We had never seen the crash of our internal tests before, but we could finally reproduce the bug, which we could find it and fix it.

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Other updates for Apex Legends are planned for next week. Frechette did not provide details, but listed several issues that Respawn is trying to solve. These general problems are described below.

  • SPF capped at 144: The intention was to cap at 300 but a bug keeps it at 144. We are aware and we are studying the issue and I will provide you with an update as soon as I can.
  • Hit reg issues: We are aware and test a fix locally.
  • Audio Problems – we have heard comments on many of the issues you have reported. Work with some audio guys to solve the problems we can answer next week.

The Apex Legends Battle Pass Season 1: Wild Frontier is now available for purchase, as is the first playable character after the game's launch, Octane. The combat package costs 950 Apex Coins, or about $ 9.50, and offers various rewards, such as cosmetic skins, stats tracking tools, new Legend voice lines, and Apex Coin and XP bonuses. Each reward is unlocked by earning XP and climbing all 100 levels of the battle pass. It is unfortunate that there is no challenge like Fortnite battle passes, but fortunately the Apex Legend pass allows you to earn enough Apex coins to buy those of the season. next.

You do not need to put Apex coins to the next pass. Instead, you can use them to buy the new character, Octane (although it can also be unlocked with the help of legendary tokens). Ninth legend of Respawn in the game Battle Royale, Octane wants above all to be the fastest. His tactics give him a boost at the expense of his health, while his ultimate launches a launch pad capable of propelling Legends and objects in the air. In order to keep running, Octane's liabilities heal him over time, provided that he is not in combat.

Apex Legends is available for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.


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