New book says Tesla’s Elon Musk was prone to yelling and berating employees


Reports of Elon Musk’s brash behavior aren’t new, but one book suggests the outspoken executive has been downright abusive of some employees.

According to Power Play: Tesla, Elon Musk and the bet of the century, the executive used to prey on employees ranging from hourly workers to senior managers.

These episodes would have been so frequent that members of the executive committee would joke about “Who would he devour this week?” In another incident noted by Business Insider, Musk reportedly yelled “I don’t believe you!” at the time, Model S chief engineer Peter Rawlinson.

Read also: Musk calls reporter “F **** ing A ** hole”, suggests Cave Diver is child rapist

As Tesla struggled to bring the Model 3 into production, Musk’s explosions reportedly became “increasingly unpredictable, indiscriminate and public.” During one of these incidents, he allegedly told the engineers that their job was “complete” and then asked each person on the call to tell him “who the hell you are and what the hell are you doing?” to fix my god * mn [assembly] line. “This collapse would have prompted someone to resign on the spot.

The Daily Mail also noted other episodes mentioned in the book, including one where Musk allegedly told employees they had no right to complain because “I can be on my own private island with nude models. , drink Mai Tai – but I’m not. “

Additionally, Musk reportedly told Tesla co-founder Martin Eberhard to fire an entire team of engineers because he was angry with them. Eberhard didn’t follow up, but was eventually shown the door and given the option to either leave Tesla with nothing or walk away with $ 100,000 (£ 72,072 / € 85,010) and the option to buy 250,000 shares. Needless to say, he opted for the latter.

Musk is also said to have become furious with a senior sales manager who presumably gave Tesla his two-week notice. Musk reportedly found him and started yelling obscenities, before telling him to leave. The insane behavior didn’t end there as Musk allegedly followed the man to the parking lot, and the incident was “ugly and public enough” that Tesla’s board of directors felt the need to investigate.

These are just a few reported incidents, but it’s worth noting that Musk has denied some of the book’s claims.


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