New ‘cryogenic’ computer chip heralds ‘transformational’ breakthrough in quantum computing – RT World News


Australian researchers have developed a new type of cryogenic quantum computer chip that operates at a temperature close to the coldest theoretical temperature in the universe and could spark a new technological revolution.

The system, called Gooseberry, operates 40 times cooler than deep space – a 20-fold increase over what’s possible with quantum computers today.

Extremely complex mathematical equations that would take hundreds or even thousands of years for traditional supercomputers to calculate can take a quantum computer in seconds.

“It will be transformational in the coming years”, said Andrew White, director of the ARC Center of Excellence for Engineering Quantum Systems.

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Traditional computers operate using “bits” of information. A little by its very nature is binary, on or off, black or white, yes or no. Its equivalent in quantum computing is a qubit, which takes advantage of the strange and tasteless world of quantum mechanics to inhabit a “overlay” two separate states simultaneously, greatly increasing the computing power.

Most contemporary quantum computers operate with a few dozen qubits. But these new cryogenic chips would allow machines to perform calculations with thousands or even millions of qubits or more, reaching levels of processing power hitherto unimagined.

Qubits require extremely low temperatures to operate efficiently and the electrical wiring used to connect them has often disrupted operations by overheating. The Gooseberry system uses an extremely clean two-wire system to connect it to a secondary core in a separate compartment.

The system can do this because it operates at “Millikelvin” temperatures, which are slightly above absolute zero at 0.1 Kelvin, or -459.49 degrees Fahrenheit (273.05 degrees Celsius). Absolute zero itself is -273.15 degrees Celsius.

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This breakthrough marks what scientists at the University of Sydney and Microsoft Corporation have dubbed “The next chapter in quantum technology”, and could lead to historic and revolutionary advances in fields as disparate as cryptography, medicine, finance, artificial intelligence and logistics.

The researchers astoundingly claim that quantum computers are currently at a similar stage of development as traditional computers were in the 1940s.

While their current prototype took four years to develop, scientists fully intend to work and “Achieving quantum technology on an industrial scale.”

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