New Google Workspace icons roll out to Android and the web


Google Workspace was announced in early October as a new image of G Suite and a new approach to desktop-less productivity. As part of these changes, all Google Workspace apps are seeing new icons, which are currently being rolled out.

Google News

Update 9/27/ 21: From mid-October to the end of November, Google rolled out 11 new Workspace icons to Android, iOS and the web as part of the new G Suite branding. This covered the company’s biggest productivity apps, but two were left out.

Google Currents is a service (formerly the Google+ app) that allows companies to host internal social networks for their employees. While it was unveiled in 2019, the Currents logo already matched the new direction in workspace design. As such, he was left out of the initial rebranding late last year. In August, Google introduced an updated logo that reduced the height of the waveform. The use of a darker shade of blue was also limited to a diamond area where the lines intersect.

Google Tasks

Meanwhile, Google Tasks was updated today on Android and iOS, as well as the web on some services. Instead of an abstract dot and a pill forming a check mark, the new icon is much simpler. Like the other secondary Workspace apps, this logo is now completely blue.

Google administrator

Update 24/11/ 20: The very last icon in the cover image above has been deployed. The Google admin is replacing his old Material Design gear (in green) and his silver key with a blue hexagon. Like other more consumer oriented icons, darker colors are used to represent overlap.

This application allows Workspace administrators to “manage [a] Google Cloud account on the go. This includes adding / managing users and groups, as well as contacting support, viewing audit logs and checking notifications.

the voice of google

Similar to Chat and Meet, Google Voice removes the background of the dark green message bubble. The icon is now a landline phone with a signal emanating from it. Two shades of green are used for a more modern icon.

Like Keep, the new Voice icon made its first appearance on the web before coming to Android. This service isn’t technically part of Google Workspace, but it’s the latest mainstream app to see its brand refresh.

Version 2020.46 also introduces a new status bar icon for texts where a message is placed in a rounded white square. It’s so bold that people won’t confuse it with the RCS Messages client.

Google keep

The Keep icon has been aligned with other Google productivity / editing apps. Instead of a rounded square, the light bulb – which is now solid – sits on a sheet of paper. Much like Docs / Sheets / Slides, the slightly darker fold is in the upper right corner.

After deployment on, the new “Keep Notes” icon is available on iOS and Android (version 5.20.441.01.40). Both mobile platforms see the yellow rectangle displayed on a white background and do not have a splash screen.

Google calendar

The calendar benefits from a similar treatment as the new Gmail icon by deleting the physical object on which it was previously modeled. It is now a square with the lower right corner folded. Blue is the main color, while “31” is in the center.

Google Calendar version 2020.42 for Android is being rolled out with the new logo. The date in the center still updates daily, while the new icon doesn’t appear – except for the start screen – anywhere else in the app. The status bar icon is basically the number “31” in a square. An update brought this brand to iOS last week, and it’s now making its way through the Play Store.

Meanwhile, the website has also been updated, with the new icon first appearing in the Google Workspace side panel of several apps.

Google Docs, Spreadsheets, Slides

The icons for Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, as well as sites and forms, are mostly unchanged. That said, the mark in the upper right corner is now darker. Inside, Google has simplified in various ways including one line of text / line less and thinner glyphs.

On Android, there is a big change that sees the entire shape of the page placed on a white background. Apps previously used full-width launcher icons. So far, Google Docs and Sheets have adopted the new design with version 1.20.422.01, with the arrival of Slides days later.

Google meet

The Meet icon is fully consistent with Gmail and Drive in that it is formed by the four colors of Google. Green is the dominant shade here – in another nod to classic communications and hangouts, when there’s only a tiny bit of red.

19/10: Google Meet is also rolling out today on Android with version 2020.10.04.337166131. The previous icon was notable for having a crease.

Google chat

The cat gets a new, flat logo, but it’s all green in homage to Hangouts. The inner “@” symbol has been removed, while the circular message icon is now rectangular and intersects a rectangle.

19/10: Google Chat is next on the agenda with version 2020.10.04.336992968 for Android. It’s not yet widely deployed and has a larger status bar icon that’s easier on the eye.


Much like Maps and Photos earlier this year, Gmail adopts an icon that harnesses Google’s four colors (blue, red, yellow, and green) to form an “M”. Red still holds the biggest share, but it comes as Google moves away from accent colors in its apps.

All of the older Gmail icons have a distinct envelope. This is now only implied, with Google exploiting the white space above and below the center slider / chevron to form an envelope. That’s smart in that all modern smartphone icons are going to be placed on a white background anyway.

10/16: The 2020.10.04.337159408 version of Gmail for Android starts rolling out today with the new icon. Besides the home screen, it’s not visible anywhere else in the app, which was also the case previously given the lack of a splash screen. That said, the status bar icon is now a preview of the Gmail logo.

The revamped brand is also making its way to the web client for some users, but is not yet widely visible.

Google drive

The drive is relatively unchanged, but the triangle has slightly rounded edges. There is also a very subtle touch of red after the icon previously only had three colors. It’s the most minor change, but ends up being one of the most delicious.

10/14: Google Drive is the first app to see its new Workspace icon become available to end users. On Android, it is still being rolled out with version 2.20.401.06.40 via the Play Store, although the list has not been updated yet. The new icon is visible on the home screen icon and the start screen.

Another change sees Google updating the icon that appears in the Android status bar. It receives the Material Theme treatment and is nothing more than a hollow outline.

The new Drive icon also appears in the web app. This is a simple replacement in the upper left corner and at the favicon. The icon in the web application launcher is also still the old variant.

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