New GOP congressman to target AOC with conservative ‘team’


Malliotakis, who frequently attacked Ocasio-Cortez during his campaign against Democratic Representative Max Rose, again targeted his New York counterpart when asked about the future of the Republican Party.

“I think one of the reasons we were so motivated to run is to see female Democrats elected in 2018, which doesn’t necessarily reflect our values, especially those who describe themselves as socialist,” Malliotakis said. . “I think there’s just a stark contrast between what we’re offering and what people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are offering. And this is something that needs to be debated in Washington. ”

House Republicans more than doubled the number of women at their conference in November, bringing the number to at least 28 out of 13. Democrats, who added a record number of women to their ranks in the 2018 election, in have at least 89.

A number of House races are still final, including New York Republican Claudia Tenney’s challenge against Rep. Anthony Brindisi; Tenney’s lead narrowed significantly to just 13 votes on Friday.

Malliotakis, who will be the only Republican to represent New York City in Congress, thanked House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Representative Liz Cheney for their efforts to recruit “qualified women who have something to share with. the American people ”for the gains.

“What we are defending is freedom, freedom. We love this nation. We want to see it prevail. We want to see it remain the land of opportunity, which has essentially attracted millions of immigrants from all over the world, to pursue this American dream, ”Malliontakis said. “Someone like me, girl from a Cuban refuge, I want to be there to participate in the discussion, the debate and provide a counter opinion.”


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