New Halo Infinite gameplay screenshots show a lot of promise


343 Industries reveals a selection of new screenshots for Halo Infinite, giving fans a feel for what the revamped game will look like.

343 Industries showed a handful of new screenshots and concept art for Infinite Halo, and it shows a lot of promise in the graphics department after the disappointment and the reactions of the fans. The highly anticipated game was originally slated to be a launch title for the Xbox Series X / S, but was delayed from November 2020 to fall 2021 after its reveal trailer drew a large number of negative comments. . Microsoft claims the game has been delayed to give the developer time to reset it and make sure it meets high quality standards.

In order to ensure that Infinite Halo Coming out on time and at the height of its predecessors this year, 343 Industries would have received a helping hand from one of Microsoft’s other proprietary studios. According to an insider, the Coalition helped the Halo developer, with several employees at Weaponry of war the studio roster work they did on both Gears 5 and Halo: infinite. However, it’s unclear exactly how much assistance the Coalition provided or what impacts these developers had on the eventual finished product.

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In a new Halo Waypoint post, 343 Industries provided an update on the state of Infinite Halo and showed new screenshots in the engine. The images themselves are from a current version of the PC game, but they look very impressive. In fact, these news screenshots almost look like a new game compared to what fans got to see last year during the official unveiling. Most of the images included in the article, some of which have been incorporated below, give an idea of ​​the Infinite HaloThe Zeta Halo setting looks and feels because it will feature a “time of the day“Lighting system that will give different areas very different moods depending on when players visit each location. The campaign gameplay screenshot showing the iteration of the iconic sniper rifle game, on the other hand, speaks for itself.

Halo Infinite Gameplay Zeta Halo Screenshots

Screenshots of Halo Infinite Gameplay Zeta Halo Night

Halo: Infinite screenshot showing a sniper rifle.

In other recent Infinite Halo news, 343 Industries has apparently teased some elements of the history of the game to come. Fans noticed an audio file that teased that Cortana would be the main villain in the sequel. This suggests that the game is a direct follow-up to the events of Halo 5: Guardians, rather than a full reboot as some have indicated in the past.

See the latest Infinite Halo The screenshots are certainly reassuring to fans who have worried since they last saw the title last year when it was unfortunate revealing. The quality of these images appears to be much higher than the previous images, showing that 343 Industries has been working hard to improve the visuals in the game.

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Infinite Halo will be available on Xbox Series X / S, Xbox One, and PC in fall 2021.

Source: 343 Industries

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