New Jersey becomes the seventh state to allow assisted suicide


Governor Phil Murphy (D) Friday made New Jersey the seventh state in the country to allow assisted suicide when he signed a law allowing terminally ill patients to end their lives.

Murphy signed Friday the dying law for the terminal, which will come into effect Aug. 1.

"Allowing residents with terminal illnesses to make their own choices at the end of life is the right thing to do," Murphy said in a statement. "By signing this bill today, we offer terminally ill patients and their families the humanity, dignity and respect they deserve so much in the most difficult times we face. will be confronted. "

The law will allow patients to obtain and self-administer medications to end their lives, although their treating physicians and consultants must first determine that the patient has a life expectancy of six months or less, has the ability to make health decisions and acts voluntarily. The patient must also request the medication twice and be offered the opportunity to change their mind.

The bill was passed by the State Assembly by a margin of 41-33 and the state Senate by a vote of 21 to 16.

Murphy, a Catholic, said that he had mixed feelings about the law.

"I concluded that, even though my faith could lead me to a particular decision, as a public official, I can not refuse this alternative to those who might come to a different conclusion." Murphy wrote in his signature statement. "I believe this choice is personal and, therefore, signing this law is the decision that best respects the freedom and humanity of all New Jersey residents."

Oregon, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington State and the District of Columbia all have the same right to die.


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