New Look at Ben Affleck’s Batman in The Flash – / Movie


batfleck is back, baby! Ben affleck will take time to worship J. Lothe curves to take over the role of the caped crusader for the next Flash movie. New set footage reveals that not only is Affleck’s Batman back, but he’s also wearing the big Batsuit and has his sweet Batcycle too. The pictures actually feature a stuntman in the costume, but that chiseled jawline looks correct quite like Affleck to me. The booty too.

Two Batman, one movie

Director Andy Muschetti (It) Brings Flash to the big screen for the DCEU, with promises of not one, but two Batman appearances. It was reported in August last year that Affleck would be putting the hood back on, joining his colleague Batman former franchisee Michael keaton. That’s right, the 1980s Batman movie and the 2010s Batman movie will both be in the same movie.

The photos were taken on set in Glasgow, Scotland, where the exterior filming for Flash is currently taking place. They depict an intricately sculpted double stuntman wearing the Batsuit Affleck made famous in 2016 Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. He sits astride a truly adorable looking Batcycle, which has been seen driving up and down Glasgow Street.

The film will be inspired by the Breaking point comic book, which saw The Flash end up in an alternate timeline. In the movie, Barry (Ezra Miller) will time travel in an attempt to stop his mother’s murder, but time travel inadvertently creates another universe, this one protected by Keaton’s Batman. Time travel hijinks have played a pretty big role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it’ll be interesting to see a DCEU take on the tropes. It should also be a real blast to see Keaton back in the costume after more than 30 years.

Muschetti revealed that Affleck and Keaton will both play important roles in the film.

“It’s a very important part of the emotional impact of the film,” director Andy Muschietti told Vanity Fair. “The interaction and relationship between Barry and Wayne d’Affleck will bring an emotional level that we have never seen before. It’s Barry’s movie, it’s Barry’s story, but their characters are more connected than you think. They both lost their mothers to a murder, and that’s one of the emotional vessels in the movie. This is where the Affleck Batman comes in.

Part of his desire for Two Batmans was to help distinguish deadlines and establish a sense of continuity.

“[Affleck] is the baseline. He is part of this unchanged state before we embark on Barry’s adventure, ”he explained. “There is a familiarity there.”

Flash should be released in theaters on November 4, 2022.

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