New Look at Robert Pattinson’s Caped Crusader Leaked Online


The final cinema panel during DC FanDome today is for The batman, so it’s hard to imagine Warner Bros. does not do everything possible. Many fans are convinced we’ll get a trailer of some sort, and with so much of the DC Comics adaptation filmed before COVID-19 production ceases, it’s certainly possible.

Either way, a new take on Robert Pattinson’s Dark Knight has found its way online today, and as you can see below, this is a piece of art taken from the merchandise offered for sale during DC FanDome.

It’s not the most exciting sweater, but this photo of the character is awesome, and it’s clear the red color scheme teased by the reveal video and recent logo / poster are going to factor in. The batman in a big way. Christopher Nolan used a lot of blues in The Dark Knight Trilogy, so that’s obviously going to create a very interesting contrast in terms of the visuals of the film.

There is a lot of The batman Warner Bros. might choose to share at this virtual event today, but even a Catwoman reveal would be welcome at this point. We will have to wait and see.

Check out the works of art disclosed below:

Leaked Batman clothing from r / DCEUleaks

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