New mayor of New Mexico: files stop and refrain from starting to build a border wall


A New Mexico mayor said on Tuesday that a cease and desist ordinance had been filed after a private group began building a wall portion at the US-Mexico border.

Reports have surfaced in recent days that the organizers of the private We Build the Wall group have begun building an 18-foot steel bollard wall to fill gaps in existing barriers.

"The city has not provided a permit, it has not approved the construction that has already been built," said Peter Ibardo, spokesman for the city of Sunland Park, New Hampshire, Texas Tribune. "They built the structure without permission or building permit from the city."

We Build the Wall, which lists former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (MD) and former Trump advisor Stephen Bannon on his website, began raising funds for the construction of this wall. through a GoFundMe campaign earlier this year. The group has raised more than $ 20 million to date.

Javier Perea, mayor of Sunland Park, said the wall is higher than the city's ordinance allows, reported KTSM, NBC's local affiliate.

Perea told local press point CBS4 that the group had submitted incomplete documents on Friday before starting construction work on Memorial Day weekend.

While the group began to build the wall on private land, it still has to pass the proper protocol with the city.

Ibardo, the city spokesman, added that there was no site plan or recent study submitted to the city, which would be needed to start construction.

"There are a lot of moving things in this case, it took everyone by surprise," he said.

Kobach told the Texas Tribune Tuesday that the owner of the private property had gone through the permitting process and that "official inspectors were on site", adding that construction would likely be complete on Tuesday or Wednesday.


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