New Rebirth Mode Has Less Scares, More Puzzles


We've done our best to approximate what Amnesia: Rebirth without Monsters could look like.

We have done our best to approximate this Amnesia: rebirth might look like no monsters.
Screenshot: Friction games / Kotaku

Amnesia: rebirth is so scary that the developers at Frictional Games added a new adventure mode to the PC version today, with a similar update slated for PlayStation in a few weeks.

Just like what Frictional did with SOMAsafe mode, Amnesia: rebirthThe new Adventure Mode makes enemies more passive, brightens dark areas, and removes the in-game fear mechanic, which in normal play can attract monsters and even cause the game to end if it gets out of hand. The developers have also added new puzzles to flesh out the experience.

“The reason behind adventure mode is that we know there are tons of people out there who can’t really take horror but would love other aspects of a game like Amnesia: rebirthCreative manager Fredrik Olsson explained in a video announcing the mode. “It has a strong narrative, an interesting story, cool environments and of course a pretty unique theme. All of these things are things that we hope Adventure Mode will help introduce to new players. “

While it is impossible to remove anything that can give someone the heebie-jeebies, Amnesia: rebirthThe new Adventure mode looks as complete as it gets. I think it’s super cool that developers are starting to think outside the box when it comes to accessibility in video games, and I really hope that trend continues.


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