In recent years, invisibility has become a more and more interesting area of research due to advances in materials engineering. This research work of the UEx, which was published in Scientific reports, has explored the electromagnetic properties of specific materials that can make certain objects invisible when introduced into its interior. Normally, we use artificial materials called metamaterials or materials with high dielectric or magnetic constant.
This idea of achieving invisibility by using filler materials instead of outer layers was inspired by the final year project of Alberto Serna and Luis Molina, undergraduate students in telecommunications at l & # 39; UEx. Serna explains: "Most techniques for developing invisibility cloaks exploit the extraordinary properties of certain materials in order to make sure that the light bypasses the object to make invisible." Nevertheless, this model can not be implemented with the help of loads, because the object is exposed to light and therefore forced to interact with it. "We used a different technique, plasmonic masking, which makes the object and filling material invisible together," says Serna from Italy, where he is currently conducting a research stay.
The method provides an invisibility of the interior of an object without using an external device. In addition, the invisibility with the help of loads allows the object to interact with its environment without being hindered by external masking. The technique is valid for small objects and the resulting bandwidths are still narrow, but the investigators believe that the improvements to be made are promising.
Luis Landesa, who led this work, says the idea of fillers opens the door to new applications. "The fact that an object can see the outside without being bothered by the outer layers is new and promising," he says. The researchers suggest applications ranging from non-solid materials to communications and bioengineering. A typical example of the utility of invisibility is the invisible microscopic probes that do not disturb the device to be measured. with the use of charges, moreover, the reading itself would not be changed, which is the problem posed by the invisibility cloaks.
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More information:
Alberto Serna et al, homogeneous multilayer dielectric filler for electromagnetic invisibility, Scientific reports (2018). DOI: 10.1038 / s41598-018-32070-5
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