New vaccine, strain protection and more coronavirus news


Oxford publishes new data on vaccine effectiveness against the British strain, Johnson & Johnson seeks FDA approval, and US Senate passes key resolution for coronavirus help. Here’s what you need to know:

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Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine protects against UK variant, as FDA draws up new plans to deal with mutations

First the bad news: There is evidence that B.1.1.7, the variant first discovered in the UK, could be more deadly than the original strain of coronavirus, in addition to being more transmissible. Now the good news: New data released on Friday indicates that the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine protects both from the original virus and this mutation. This research has not yet been peer reviewed, but it shows promise. Although a handful of new, allegedly more contagious variants have taken hold in the United States in recent weeks, the CDC warned last month that B.1.1.7 could be the predominant variant in the United States by March.

In response, drugmakers are rushing to revamp plans to boost protection against variants. And on Thursday, the FDA said it was developing new standards to tailor drugs, tests, and vaccines specifically to fight more resilient mutations. These will likely be released within the next two to three weeks. The plan is based on years of experience with the flu virus, which is changing rapidly and constantly. The National Institutes of Health is also working with at least two drugmakers to start human trials of vaccines targeting variants next month.

Third vaccine seeks FDA approval as experts strive to make distribution both faster and fairer

Johnson & Johnson applied for emergency use clearance from the FDA for its Covid-19 vaccine on Thursday. If approved, the vaccine will likely be used in late February or early March. Supplies are expected to be limited at first, but shooting will always be a welcome addition. Unlike the two vaccines currently in use, it requires only one dose and can be stored in a regular refrigerator. Nonetheless, the fact that Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine has a slightly lower efficacy rate than it has already been used means that officials may soon be faced with difficult questions about who gets which vaccine.

Indeed, equity issues have already proved central to immunization, especially as distribution accelerates under the Biden administration. People with enough free time and internet access found it easier to get vaccinated, putting many groups who have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic at a disadvantage, including Blacks, Latinxes, and Latin Americans. indigenous. On Tuesday, the White House announced extensions to the vaccination program that, among other things, will prioritize vaccination efforts in minority communities.

Senate set to adopt Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan

After hours of voting, the Senate approved a budget resolution at 5:30 a.m. on Friday that brings lawmakers one step closer to passing Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill by a simple majority, returning support republican useless. Biden’s plan includes direct payments of $ 1,400 per person for most households, a weekly UI supplement of $ 400 through September, extended paid holidays, and more. Earlier this week, the President met with a group of GOP senators to discuss yet another $ 618 billion relief plan they had drafted in an apparent attempt to work across the aisle, but he later reaffirmed that he wanted Democratic lawmakers to “act big” on the pandemic to help.

These developments in Washington come as economic recovery stagnates across the country. While the US economy created 49,000 jobs last month, the pace of job gains remains slow. Economists say things are likely to speed up as more people get vaccinated and pandemic restrictions on businesses are relaxed.

Daily distraction

The mellow, mood-making beats of lo-fi hip hop are having a moment on YouTube. Soft and relaxed, they help anxious and over-excited listeners tune to a different frequency.

Something to read

It’s easy to focus on how each of our devices is spying on us. CCTV cameras record our faces. License plate readers follow our paths. Smartphones register our locations. But what’s really alarming is the way all of these systems talk to each other.

Sanitary verification

In every other year, Super Bowl weekend is a time when TV and soundbar retailers mark year-old models. But in 2021, now is the perfect time to close the first deals on many models.

A question

What is the impact of the pandemic on cities?

City planners have presented the pandemic as a potential opportunity to reshape cities for the better, prioritizing the pedestrian and rider experience over cars and finding ways to make buildings breathe easier. Other researchers have noted that how urban crime fell in 2020 provides important information that could help cities increase safety more equitably, even after the pandemic. Yet, there is no doubt that the pandemic has taken its toll on city life. An example: public transport, the cornerstone of cities like New York, is under serious threat.

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