New video shows Romney moving to safety as rioters violate security


House Democrats on Wednesday presented a chilling new video to the old President TrumpDonald TrumpSchoen says Trump’s team will be ‘very well prepared’ after criticism that Republicans in Iowa seek to cut school funding with Project 1619 in curriculum Capitol Rioter seen smoking in the rotunda is stopped MOREImpeachment lawsuit showing Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman redirecting Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) through the halls of the Senate to protect him from the crowd storming the Capitol.

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In the video, Romney can be seen heading for the Senate chamber. Goodman runs towards him and can be seen yelling orders at him as he passes, forcing Romney to quickly turn around and run for his safety.

“Officer Goodman passes Senator Mitt Romney and orders him to turn around to get to safety,” Plaskett said.

“On the first floor, just below them, the crowd had already started looking for the Senate chamber. Officer Goodman went to the first floor where he encountered the same insurgents we just saw entering the Capitol, ”she said.

A bipartisan bill was introduced in the Senate to award Goodman the Congressional Gold Medal for his actions during the riots.

A separate public video that went viral on social media on the day of the insurgency shows Goodman distracting rioters away from lawmakers who were fighting for safety when the Capitol was attacked.

Plaskett, who is one of the House’s Democratic impeachment officials, presented new images to highlight how lawmakers and the former vice president Mike penceMichael (Mike) Richard Pence Republican Party must cast out demons Democrats to get emotion in Trump trial This week: Senate kicks off Trump trial as Democrats draft coronavirus bill MORE were in danger during the siege.

New video shows rioters stalking the halls in search of the president Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiTrump, Trump’s lawyer, says Roberts’ absence creates a conflict of interest for Democrats. Budget reconciliation could be the only hope for lower drug prices Republican Party must cast out its demons MORE (D-Calif.) With provocative calls of “Nancy, oh Nancy” as they poured into the building.

The new footage also includes footage of Pence escaping from the back of the Senate Chamber shortly before Trump tweeted that he and his supporters had been abandoned by Pence.

Plaskett also played audio of desperate Capitol Hill police officers calling for siege and pleading for a safeguard.

“Multiple injuries to law enforcement … we need reinforcements here now!” officers can be heard saying.


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