New weekly events add more variety to the magic: the rally arena


If you play Magic: the gathering arena and you look like me, you probably win your weekly lot of new packs of cards and gold the first day. Fortunately for us, Wizards adds a new set of free weekly events, each with a specific theme and unique rewards.

Called War of the Spark Chronicles, the event runs from May 23 to June 27. Each week, it highlights a different story from the last expansion of the game by inviting players to play in different formats.

For example, the mode of the first week is called Ravinia at War. Players can use the Momir mechanism to pay extra mana and discard cards to send random creatures to the battlefield and simulate the total smackdown that opens. War of the spark of.

Each weekly mode is free and, by winning a number of matches, you win different prizes, ranging from extra gold to beautiful planeswalker stained glass art. Unlike draft modes, you do not have to worry about winning a number of consecutive games. You can simply play until you have all the prizes.

Here is the breakdown of each week:

  • Ravinia at war (May 23)
    Format: Momir – Players will use 96-card pre-engineered Momir decks with one of each War of the Spark planeswalker.
  • No escape (May 31st)
    Format: Pauper – Players can only use decks made up of common goods.
  • Storm the Citadel (June 7)
    Format: Singleton – Players are limited to decks containing only one card per card, except for basic lands.
  • Start the final (June 14)
    Format: Pawns – The pawn tokens put an extra pawn + 1 / + 1 on everything that already carries one, an extra loyalty pawn on the Planeswalkers and have Amass 1.
  • The sacrifice of Gideon (June 21st)
    Format: Ravnica Block – Players can only use Ravnica block cards.

MTG Arena The new update also offers a new simple but super exciting feature: the ability to choose art for your deck's terrain. For now, lands are added to your deck automatically based on the number of each type you want. But like everything MTG Fans know that not all terrains are created equal, and the illustrations on the cards greatly contribute to making the experience truly magical play.


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