New World server transfers postponed, detailed limitations


Amazon announces that not only have New World server transfers been delayed again, but they will be much more limited than promised.

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The week of New worldThe launch of saw servers overwhelmed by hundreds of thousands of players. Due to server crowding and ever increasing wait times, developer Amazon told players that they needed to create characters on open servers and that server transfers would be delivered quickly. Unfortunately, New world server transfers did not arrive that week. They also won’t arrive this week, Amazon has now confirmed. Amazon hopes to provide New world server transfers next week instead, although they now come with serious limitations on their use.

In a post shared on the official website New world forums, community manager TrevzorFTW explains that Amazon has delayed plans to implement server transfers. Development continues on the feature, but TrevzorFTW says he found “some extreme cases” that did not meet the team’s standards. As such, Amazon takes longer to resolve these issues before posting. New worldserver’s transfer system to the public. The current schedule tentatively foresees that server transfers will be available next week.

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At the moment, Amazon has provided some sort of FAQ that gives information about the server transfer process. It is unfortunately limited compared to the initial plans. On the one hand, Amazon no longer plans to offer a New world two week server transfer window. Instead, Amazon will provide each player with a single free server transfer token. Once used, players will need to pay if they wish to transfer servers again.

new world address server transfer plans

In addition, Amazon has confirmed that it will not allow transfers of servers to a “whole world”. Over the past week, Amazon has reported numerous New world servers also full so that they no longer accept new characters – even though those servers are often well below the server cap. However, it appears that many servers have been reopened. Players will definitely be frustrated, as they will not be able to transfer to any import server. Only servers with a low population will be open, which goes against Amazon’s original promise on server transfers.

Another broken promise is that server transfers will not be allowed between regions. Amazon says players will only be able to transfer between servers in their own region. This means that players hoping to transfer between US West and US East will not be able to do so. Transfers between the EU and North America, as well as APAC and South America servers, will also be blocked.

Suffice to say that Amazon has a real fiasco on its hands. New world players just waited until they got the server transfer options they were promised. Now, however, the delays have only made the problem worse. After investing weeks of playtime in their characters, in many cases players will no longer be able to join their friends. Although the technical limitations are understandable, New world players are more than justified in asking how things went so badly.

New world is available now on PC.

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