New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to Announce 2020 Presidency


The entry of De Blasio in the race, which was reported for the first time by NBC News, will bring the total number of candidates to 23, nearly nine months before the first votes.

De Blasio will leave on the trail almost immediately after an appearance on ABC's Good Morning America show, which will travel to Iowa and South Carolina at the very beginning of his itinerary. The two-term mayor, who became in 2017 the first Democrat re-elected to his post for more than three decades, joins the race after months of deliberation and a handful of visits to early states such as Iowa and New Hampshire.

Before even making his official plans, de Blasio was targeted – and taunted – by the city's unrelenting press, a group with which he has clashed several times over the years and who openly raptures every mayor or every misfortune of the mayor. Nevertheless, his national profile is less defined and Blasio, when presenting himself to Democrats from outside New York, should sell a record of victories in progressive politics – reinforced by a coalition of support for racial differences – in a city with more residents than the states of origin of some of its rivals.

The questions that arise at Blasio, which tend to boil down to a simple "Why?", Will be familiar to him. His first campaign for the mayor was greeted with the same skepticism and doubt, if not the hostility and contempt generated by his presidential ambitions. That de Blasio can transform these perceptions on the national scene – where he has already been hailed by The Onion, who joked in a headline last week, "De Blasio PAC spends $ 30 million on announcements inviting the candidate not to "embarrassing running" – will be his first test.

Here are the 22 Democrats who ran for the presidency.

"I think Bill de Blasio has a toxic relationship with the press that covers him, and that goes both ways," former aide Rebecca Katz told CNN, who is not participating in his new campaign. "And that will make things very difficult for this race because wherever it is, regardless of the small town of Iowa or New Hampshire, it will have the forefront of NY1 and New York Post, whether he likes it or not. "

The post has already been with the mayor during some preliminary tests. When he was caught in a snowstorm in Iowa, his seemingly unsuccessful decision to cross the blizzard took hold of his decision. When he was forced to stop over at a motel, the tabloid happily stated that "instead of" enjoying an award-winning barbecue or succulent steaks from the Hawkeye State, he had to settle for one. Microwave burrito ".

But the press was not bad even when she was critical.

The demonstration against the climate of De Blasio this week in front of the Trump Tower, which was to be moved inside the Trump Tower because of bad weather, triggered a conflict on Twitter with Eric, the son of President Donald Trump . Sean Hannity, Fox News presenter and Trump's super-ally, has called Blasio his "naughty of the day" – a designation most Democratic primary candidates would like to wear.

De Blasio's candidacy now begins in earnest, but he has been running for some time against Trump and the national Republicans. Upon his re-election in Brooklyn in November 2017, he said the city had "sent a message: you can not face the values ​​of New York and win, Mr. President." If you turn against the values ​​of your hometown , this one will defend itself. "

From Blasio 2020? Until now, polls indicate voters do not want them

When the Alabama legislature passed its almost total ban on abortion this week, he called it "vile and illegal" in a tweet and then urged Republican governor, Kay Ivey, to withdraw "on the right side of history" and to veto his bill.

The status of De Blasio at home took a hit as he ventured more openly into national politics. Popular policies – such as universal pre-kindergarten and raising the minimum wage – have largely disappeared from the headlines, focused on speculation about possible fundraising scandals and the mayor's travel habits.

The murder rate in New York is low and has declined again last year, but economic inequality – the focus of Blasio's first campaign – remains a problem, as does the authority of the United States. social housing, which has left many tenants live in misery. De Blasio's incessant rivalries with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who is most visibly reflected in the city's state-run troubled subway system, also mean that he does not have to worry about it. will not enter this primary with a lot of support from state leaders.

Nevertheless, predictions of the impending denouement of De Blasio must be tempered – as history suggests.

"No one thought Bill de Blasio would win (in 2013)," said Katz. "Everyone thought that he was crazy." He was in the one-digit numbers until a few months before polling day and he proved them wrong and then he proved that the experts were wrong when they said that he could not get the universal Pre-K, and then did in his first year. "


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