New York surpasses 1 million coronavirus cases


New York has become the fourth state to surpass one million coronavirus infections since the start of the pandemic.

The Empire State reported 15,074 new cases on Friday, bringing the state’s total to 1,005,785 infections, according to data published on Saturday by New York Gov. Andrew CuomoAndrew CuomoNew York Reports Record Daily Positive COVID-19 New York Will Allow 6,700 Fans In Buffalo Bills First Home Playoff Game Several attendees at Republican club viral party test positive for COVID-19: MORE reportOffice of (D).

The state also reported 128 new deaths from COVID-19, bringing that total to 30,337 deaths from the disease.

The official number of cases in the state may be underestimated, as many were infected when testing was largely unavailable in the spring, Associated Press Notes.

Texas, California and Florida are the only other states to cross the dark threshold.

California, which was second to reach the milestone after Texas, has now recorded more 2.34 million cumulative infections, the most of any state.

Texas reported 1.56 million cases and Florida got connected 1.35 million infections.

Cuomo did not directly address this step in a statement on Saturday, but urged New Yorkers to remain vigilant, noting that coronavirus vaccinations have started.

“As intimidating as it may sound after all this time, it’s critical that we all stay tough and continue our efforts to slow the spread,” Cuomo said. “We’ve come this far already and we’ll finally reach that light at the end of the tunnel if we all do our part.

New York’s record comes as the United States continues to see an increase in infections. The nation has overtaken 20 million cases in total on New Year’s Day and is approaching 350,000 deaths.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, tthere have been 349,933 U.S. coronavirus deaths so far.


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