New York Times Opinion removes Netanyahu's "offensive" caricature Trump, which "included anti-Semitic tropes"


The New York Times opinion issued a statement in the newspaper's Thursday international edition, citing a political cartoon of President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in which she mentioned "anti-Semitic tropes" and considered it "offensive".

The political caricature in question showed Trump, wearing a pair of sunglasses, led by a dog, represented by Netanyahu. The dog had a Star of David necklace. The caricature appeared in the newspaper's opinion section next to a column written by Thomas Friedman, according to the Jerusalem Post.

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The New York Times has announced that a note from the publisher would be published Monday in the international edition of the newspaper. The statement contained the following text: "A political cartoon in the New York Times' international print edition on Thursday included anti-Semitic tropes, describing the Israeli prime minister as a guide dog with a Star of David necklace at the head of the New York Times. President of the Republic. United States, shown wearing a cap. The picture was shocking and it was a misjudgment to publish it. It was provided by the New York Times News Service and Syndicate, which has since deleted it. "

The political cartoon has been criticized by several social media users.


Yashar Ali, a contributor to the Huffington Post, described the image as an "antisemitic cartoon published by the NYT."

Seth Frantzman, editor of the Jerusalem Post, tweeted, "Shame on the NYT for that. How long is it difficult, in an era of rising anti-Semitism, not to publish an anti-Semitic cartoon? This is a major newspaper. Dozens of people had to see this before publication. Nobody said anything?

Joyce Karam, head of Washington's national office, tweeted: "This caricature is disgusting and sloppy, especially since it was printed in the United States. Although they have issued a statement, they have retracted it but it is alarming. Many publications peddle anti-Semitism, racism and Islamophobia in the Middle East, but they are not New York Times. Unfortunate."


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