New York Times: Pelosi fears Trump does not give up power if he loses his reelection little by little


In an interview with the newspaper this week, the Democratic leader expressed concern over a scenario in which Trump would not accept election results when he narrowly lost his reelection, the Times reported.

"We have to vaccinate against that, we have to prepare for it," Pelosi told the newspaper on Wednesday.

Pelosi told The Times that she feared that Trump "poisons the public mind" and "challenges each of the races" if the Democrats did not win an overwhelming majority in 2018.

The Democrats achieved a net gain of 40 seats in mid-term in 2018 – the biggest gain for the Democratic House since 1974.

"We had to win Imagine if we did not win – oh, do not even imagine, so as we move forward we have to take the same approach," Pelosi told the Times.

The White House declined to comment on the recording.

Trump had warned against the "illegal vote" in the mid-term elections of 2018, despite the lack of evidence. In the 2016 presidential election, Trump falsely claimed that "millions of people" voted illegally for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, which cost him the popular vote.

In his interview with The Times, Pelosi also warned his party not to continue the impeachment proceedings against Trump or to alienate voters by moving too far left, the Times said.

"Owning the center on the left, owning the general public," she told The Times.

Last month, Pelosi told his caucus not to focus on the impeachment because the Democrats remained divided on the issue.
In a poll conducted by CNN after the publication of the Mueller report, 37 percent said Trump should be removed from office and dismissed, while 59 percent said they disagreed.


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