New York woman arranges successful dating for lonely internet users who want to make real friends


A 23-year-old New Yorker went viral with her drive to help people across the country make new friends after her family were cruelly exposed, excluding her on TikTok.

Marissa Meizz first gained social media attention when TikTok user @drewbdoobdoo searched for her after hearing a group of her friends hatch a plan to intentionally kick her out of a birthday party.

“I hate being the one who sticks my nose where it doesn’t belong. But if your name is Marissa please listen, ”Drew said in a video. He explained that he was walking past his friends in the park and that they intentionally chose to throw a party while she was out of town.

Meizz, who revealed she was the woman targeted by the group of friends in Drew’s video, received a wave of support from other platform users and decided to set up a meetup. in person with his new Internet friends.

Since the first picnic in New York City, Meizz has started the No More Lonely Friends club and organized get-togethers across the country.

23-year-old New York woman has gone viral for starting a club to meet new friends after learning her so-called friends intentionally kicked her out of an event

23-year-old New York woman has gone viral for starting a club to meet new friends after learning her so-called friends intentionally kicked her out of an event

So many people contacted Marissa Meizz after the incident, asking her to be her friends, that she decided to have a picnic in Central Park.  200 people attended the event

So many people contacted Marissa Meizz after the incident, asking her to be her friends, that she decided to have a picnic in Central Park. 200 people attended the event

Meizz told that several people sent her the TikTok video of Drew asking if it was her.

After investigating, Drew and Meizz determined that the people he heard talking in the park were his so-called friends.

She said thousands of social media users contacted her after the incident saying things like, “We should be friends”, “Hold your head up” and “This has happened to me too.”

“People were spending their lives in my MDs and kept saying they felt lonely,” she explained. “So I made a video the next day and I said ‘let’s all meet at the same time’.

The influencer says her friends did not attempt to contact her after being exposed, and that she has not heard from them since.

Meizz hosted his first picnic in Central Park and nearly 200 people attended. She posted a video of the event, which also went viral.

“People kept commenting, ‘Come to my town, come to my town,” she said. Meizz traveled to nearby cities of Boston and Philadelphia to organize meetings there as well.

Meizz has held a total of nine meetings since, some as far away as Los Angeles and San Francisco.

She has another picnic scheduled for next Saturday in Washington DC and plans to host more for the rest of the year.

TikTok user @drewbdoobdoo (left) first posted the viral video alerting Meizz to his friends’ conversation. He and Meizz (pictured together at right) have since become great friends

Meizz has hosted nine picnics so far, with another scheduled for next weekend

“It’s so much fun having all these people coming to picnics,” Meizz explained. “They are all here for the same thing: to have a good time.”

Meizz said the turnout was amazing. It had participants as young as teenagers, the oldest being over 70 years old.

“It’s a very large demographic,” she said, recounting how she asked a group of mothers to attend a picnic.

‘They met in the comments section of my video, decided to go picnic together. They even went for brunch together, ”Meizz said.

Meizz, who moved to New York City last November in the midst of the pandemic, is so happy to be able to host these get-togethers and help other people looking to expand their social circles. She believes that the people she met at her picnics could become lifelong friends.

The No More Lonely Friends club hosted picnics in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Los Angeles and San Francisco (pictured)

The No More Lonely Friends club hosted picnics in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Los Angeles and San Francisco (pictured)

“My whole group of friends are from No More Lonely Friends,” she shared.

As for the so-called friends who intentionally threw a party without her, Meizz said she no longer associated with them.

They haven’t contacted her since she went viral or apologized for their actions.

She did, however, become very close to Drew – the TikTokker whose video sparked the entire chain of events.

Meizz said the picnics are completely self-funded. She is currently selling merchandise on her website to promote the club, as well as in an attempt to offset her travel expenses.

Anyone interested in learning more about No More Lonely Friends is encouraged to follow the club’s Instagram account.

Meizz said the picnics are completely self-funded.  She is currently selling merchandise on her website to promote the club and try to offset her travel costs.

Meizz said the picnics are completely self-funded. She is currently selling merchandise on her website to promote the club and try to offset her travel costs.

“My whole group of friends are from No More Lonely Friends,” she shared. Anyone interested in learning more about No More Lonely Friends is encouraged to follow its pages on social media.


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