Newsom signs bill requiring California public schools to provide menstrual products


Govt. Democratic Gavin NewsomGavin Newsom California Becomes First State To Ban “Stealth Theft” Overnight Energy & Environment: White House To Restore Parts Of Environmental Protection Law Lifted By Trump Equilibrium / Sustainability – Presented By American Petroleum Institute – NASA to Unleash ‘Planetary Defense’ Technology Against Asteroid PLUS (California) on Friday signed a bill requiring California public schools to provide free menstrual products.

The bill states that all high schools and public colleges must provide menstrual products to students in their toilets from the 2022 school year, KTLA 5 reported.

The bill expands on a law put in place in 2017 that required free menstrual products to be provided in low-income schools.

“Our biology doesn’t always send an advanced warning when we’re about to start having our period, which often means we have to stop whatever we’re doing and face a period,” said Cristina Garcia, member of the Democratic Assembly, which sponsored the bill. , depending on the local point of sale.

“Just as toilet paper and paper towels are provided in virtually all public toilets, menstrual products should be as well,” she added.

The move follows several other states that have laws in place for schools to distribute free menstrual products.

Washington State has decided to provide free menstrual products in school toilets in May.

“This bill will help students maintain a standard of safe and healthy personal hygiene in school, which is especially important for students who find it difficult to afford the cost of these products,” the governor said. Jay insleeJay Robert Inslee Washington State Agencies Send Separation Notices to Employees Regarding Vaccine Mandate Washington State Extends Eviction Protections Through Late October Washington Governor to Idaho Officials: Stop “blocking my hospitals” MORE (D) said at the time.

There has been a growing movement in the United States for affordable or free menstrual products.


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