Newt Gingrich: Improving Republican performance with minorities could tip the scales in Georgia


Minority voters will be consecutive in the second round of elections in Georgia, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Monday.

On “Fox & Friends,” Gingrich noted that President Trump received a higher vote for blacks and Latinos in the 2020 presidential election than in 2016 and that this change could play into the choice of race winner. in Georgia which will determine party control in the Senate this year.

“The Republican Party has always done better because, again, people who make a living and work hard tend to have a growing bias towards us and for lowering taxes,” Gingrich said.

“And you had about 20 African American pastors who came out and attacked Raphael Warnock for being so fiercely pro-abortion and so willing to use tax money to pay for the abortion. There are therefore also problems of values. And I think you will find that we do better or continue to do better with Asian, Latin American and African American votes as it becomes evident how radical Democrats are, how high taxes are and, frankly, how high unemployment is. “

Gingrich, who represented Georgia’s sixth district in suburban Atlanta to Congress, explained the phenomenon of minorities moving to the suburbs in recent years. Former Republican strongholds like Cobb County and Gwinnett County have turned increasingly blue, while rural Georgia has become more Republican.

“Well, they’re a fascinating demographic. What basically happened was that strong Republican voters moved more and more to smaller towns and communities like Dalton or like Rome, like Gainesville. “said Gingrich.

“And at the same time, the people who were crammed into downtown Atlanta had, as they got rich, I mean, one of the great virtues of Trump’s economy was the lowest black unemployment rate. Of the history. get more money, they like to move to the suburbs, which is perfectly normal, ”Gingrich said.


Meanwhile, Senator Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., Warned that Democratic second-round victories in her state’s election would signify a sweeping agenda that would dramatically change life in the United States.

Both Georgia Senate seats – and control of the chamber – will be up for grabs on Tuesday as Loeffler takes on Warnock and Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., Takes on Jon Ossoff. With Democrats already in control of the House and the White House after the November election, Loeffler told “Fox News Sunday” that Democratic victories this week would bring sweeping changes to Washington.

“It’s a choice, it’s a stark contrast between freedoms – our way of life here in Georgia – or socialism, government control,” she said. “We know the agenda of the left because Chuck Schumer told us he was going to take Georgia and then change America. And we know the radical agenda isn’t all about high taxes, open borders, cutting police funding, government-run healthcare, but it has radical candidates in this race, its agents of change. “


One of those “agents of change,” Loeffler said, is her opponent Warnock, who she says did not represent the values ​​of her state and who “would fundamentally change this country.”

President-elect Joe Biden was the first Democrat in 28 years to win Georgia in a presidential race, although Republicans in both races for the US Senate, including the “jungle” race for Loeffler’s seat with nearly of two dozen competitors, won more votes than their Democrat. counterparts in November. However, no one crossed the 50% threshold, forcing runoff in both contests.

Fox News’ Ronn Blitzer contributed to this report.


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