Waste Survey, giving an overview of what we are throwing out, and how much,


  Disposable cups and straws accounted for 4.6% of all waste found in a national inventory conducted in 2017/18.


Disposable cups and straws accounted for 4.6% of all waste found in a national count conducted in 2017/18.

It is hoped that knowledge will prove powerful when it comes to suppressing the garbage habits of Kiwis.

Snack packs, disposable beverage containers and paper were identified as the items most often disposed of incorrectly in the last national waste survey released on Monday.

The report, which is the second of its kind, provides an overview of visible and bulky waste in eight regions, including Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, which account for just over half of the population

Love NZ and Be a Tidy Kiwi launched an advertising campaign in 2017 to encourage Kiwis to "put their litter in its place".

Lyn Mayes, head of the Public Place Recycling Scheme (PPRS), said the annual survey was an important tool for determining which containers were most often littered in order to find sustainable solutions to promote the marketplace. correct disposal.

* It's time to honestly look at a litter problem
* Keep NZ Beautiful launches its first anti-waste campaign more than a decade
* Issues of contamination raised about a public recycling trial in Wellington
* Traces of toilet paper and cacao litter in New Zealand National Parks

An Overview and Comparison That Will Be Used in conjunction with qualitative surveys of the evaluation tool of the own communities conducted by the project partner, Be a Tidy Kiwi, "she said.

  Wellington's place Te Ngakau became one of the first public 12-month retraining trials.


Te Ngākau Civic Square in Wellington became one of the first places for a 12-month public refresher trial

Litter is defined as material that has been intentionally misplaced or not, in a public place.

The study found that snack packs accounted for 10.5% of all waste; with bottles of drinks, cans and cartons not far behind on 10.1 percent.

The consulting firm Waste Not Consulting conducted the survey which saw a total of 17,735 visible and bulky waste in an area estimated at 581,764 square meters. ] Litter is defined as material that has been improperly disposed of, intentionally or unintentionally, in a public place "title =" "src =" https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/ 1 / e / u / t / k / s / image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qm3cl.png / 1530509833437.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>


Litter is defined as a material that has been improperly disposed of intentionally or unintentionally. public place.

"The survey found an average of 30.5 waste items per 1000m2 In the last survey [2014/15] of exactly the same region, a total of 18,620 items were counted [32 litter items per 1000sqm]," said the director Bruce Middleton

. Although reducing waste and lowering grading sites seemed a good thing, Middleton said it could be due to the number of storms and heavy rains throughout the country during the summer

" more waste has been washed away by trails and roads and accumulated in rainwater channels and drains. "

  In the latest CCAT survey, cigarette butts and chewing gums dominate rubble in public places frequented in Auckland STUFF </span>
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In the latest CCAT survey, cigarette butts and chewing gums dominated the counts of trash found in crowded public places in Auckland.

The publication of the national waste survey in conjunction with complementary perspectives on waste

The CCAT surveys, conducted by the Auckland Litter Prevention Steering Group (ALPSG) ), measure local waste prevention efforts by assessing landscaping, garbage design, maintenance and upkeep, while The Waste Not classifies visible waste on site. a wider variety of site types.

"We observed a waste rate of 29 percent for Aucklanders, which is not good news," said program director Richard Leckinger,

  Lyn Mayes, Public Affairs Manager Recycling Scheme Place.


Lyn Mayes, Public Recycling Program Manager, said the survey was an important tool for determining which containers were most often littered in order to find sustainable solutions . solutions to promote proper disposal.

"On the plus side, Aucklanders are very honest about their offenses, which is unusual and gives us hope that the behavior may change."

In the latest poll, cigarette butts and chewing gums dominated Auckland's busy public places, with papers, films, and plastic wrap behind them.

"As a single-use plastic, cigarette butts carry the total percentage of single-use plastic at 39% and plastics at 41%." Polls come out almost 10 months after Love NZ and Be Tidy Kiwi launched "Put Litter in a Place" – the first national waste campaign since the 1980s. [19659038] – Tips and Tricks

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