Nurses will start voting on the acceptance of an improved DHB offer after rejecting a $ 500 million package.
The New Zealand Nurses Organization has recommended to its members to accept the offer, and they will have until next Monday to vote.
Voting comes after a long dispute between nurses and DHBs, nurses say they are chronically overworked and underpaid, and DHB say it's only there little money to distribute.
An increase of $ 500 million was made last month. DHB spokesman Helen Mason said yesterday in a statement that the latest offer "means that more people will receive pay raises, there are increased commitments to solve the labor problems." and a firm undertaking to implement The outcome of discussions on pay equity with the New Zealand Nurses Organization (NZNO).
Ms. Mason stated that the DHBs were still planning the planned July 12 strike. "
NZNO's Director of Industrial Services, Cee Payne, stated that" the main reason we recommend this offer is that she's attacking the historical undervaluation of nurses and midwives. "
" We are determined to see nursing in New Zealand become, once again , a pro a rewarding and attractive one to which people want to join and make a career. "
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