Northland sharemilker filmed hitting cows loses work, home | 1 NEWS


A Northland sharemilker who was secretly filmed hitting cows lost his job and his home.

Images were provided by Farmwatch Animal Welfare Group
Source: 1 NEWS

Humans Hitting Animal Images Farmwatch animal rights group aired the video at Ministry of Primary Industries and News Media

The Northland Rural Support Trust said that he was now working with the man who is devastated. 19659004] The man was no longer working at Mangapai Farm and had to move out of the house that accompanied his contract, said Julie Jonker, trusted coordinator.

"He is vilified on social media and his life is"

"He did a lot of good things in his day, and he's basically a good person who made a terrible mistake."

Man had acknowledged that he was wrong to beat the cows and had expressed remorse, said Ms. Jonker.

Last week, officials from the Ministry of Primary Industries visited the farm south of Whangarei to investigate the complaint of Farmwatch

.the allegations of animal abuse were the subject of an investigation

"MPI can not go into details or details of the case because we do not want to undermine what can be provided to a court, "he said. [ad_2]
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