Researchers say they have taken "the last step" in their search for the lost natural wonders of New Zealand, the pink and white terraces.
Experts choose location of lost terraces "as accurately as possible" According to researcher Rex Bunn, in an article published in Survey + Spatial last month, a 1859 study of the area was performed.
"This changes the regional history of" we do not know where they were and so if they were destroyed "to" here is where they were the day of eruption: what is it? what is there now? "" He said. 19659008] JC Hoyte painting of pink and white terraces in the 1870s, before the eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886. "title =" "src =" dam / images / 1 / q / o / b / z / x / image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qo5ip.png / 1530780974118.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>
JC Hoyte painting of pink and white terraces in the 1870s, before the eruption For the journal, published by Bunn and his co-authors Nick Davies and David Stewart, the researchers traced the measures taken for the study of 1859, in order to establish what the geologist Ferdinand von Hochstetter would have seen of the region. and the terraces before the eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886.
The information was contained in the diaries found in Switzerland in 2010, by Dr. Sascha Nolden.
The measurements in the last research paper have an accuracy of +/- 22m, according to NZ land information. [19659006] READ MORE:
* Iwi disappointed at the announcement of the terraces
* The researchers of the 19th century engineer's terrace
* The secrets of the l & # 39; eruption that buries the terraces
Bunn said that the lower sections of both pink and white terraces were crossing the current lake shoreline, meaning that it was unlikely that they would be intact under volcanic ash – but some of the terraces may still exist.
"I believe that there is every chance that the spring platforms remain more or less intact under their deep blanket of fresh volcanic flour which, in my opinion, would have protected and preserved them as a film with bubbles. " The Te Tuhi spring or the black terrace … lies completely on the ground and may have survived intact.
Significant funding needs meant that the next steps to recover the terraces could take two to three years. ] "I managed the 2014 and 2017 project with volunteers and public and private sector teams working on a volunteer basis. This team is now disbanded, "says Bunn.
Now he's looking toward a future where the terraces could be partially turned over.
In 2012, GNS scientists conducted studies on Lake Rotomahana to understand what happened to the lake. Lake Lake and pink and white terraces
"In 2017, it was advised to drill … I first opted for noninvasive imaging using the last GPR (ground penetrating radar) technology.
"The research challenge remains to produce for Joe Public's silica sintering from the located terrace sites, ideally pairing retention samples."
"In the end of the day, there are two choices … the drilling or excavation, "he continues.
The Rose and White Terraces were buried under Lake Rotomahana, south of Rotorua, by the eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886.
In March, Alan Skipwith , chairman of the Tuhourangi Tribune Authority, said the iwi were advised by scientists, and geologists, and NIWA, on pink and white terrace data.
"We are all indebted to Dr. Sascha Nolden and Dr. Rex Bunn for their research and scientific work published in 2016 that led us down this path."
"Our goal at this stage is to try to locate a specific place, nothing more. "
He told Stuff on Thursday, TTA's partners were still investigating 59006] REACTIONS TO RETURN THE TERRACES [19659006] Bunn said that there would be an enthusiastic response throughout the world to the idea of bringing back terraces in one form or another.
He had been approached by six production houses interested in to make a documentary about the return of the terraces.
Local Maori in the area have had varied reactions, with many enthusiasts and many happy to leave the area, he said.
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