More than 70 schools are now challenging the government's NCEA review process



Chris Hipkins, Minister of Education, responds to the claims of school principals about the NCEA review.

More than 70 schools across the country have joined the NCEA coalition that challenges the NCEA's review process of the government.

The coalition was launched after 34 schools in Auckland posted ads in newspapers Sunday after high school principals raised concerns about the exam being "too hasty ".

Since then, schools across the country have begun to register, bringing the total to 75 on Friday.

More Schools Should Join the Coalition A Minister of Education "Disappointed" in Commercials Affirming Flaws in the Review
* Directors are outraged by the NCEA review process
* School principals the concerns reflect the entire country?
* The revision of the NCEA was recommended to the government

NCEA coalition spokespersons and director of Massey Glen Denham High School said that the review [19659010] The directors of more than 70 different schools have the impression that Education Minister Chris Hipkins did not consult them … ” title=”” src=”×349.1qozaz.png/1530849713880.jpg” class=”photoborder”/>


The directors of more than 70 different schools schools have the impression that the Minister of Education, Chris Hipkins, did not consult them about a review of the CNEE

"[Reviewing NCEA] is a question and I can not emphasize enough the importance of planning such a review.

In May, a seven-person ministerial advisory group decided that it was time to shake the NCEA, which would include halving credits at level 1 and creating a more large number of learning projects.

A Hipkins statement at the time mentioned problems with NCEA, including arming students with the skills sought by employers and stopping the evaluation preventing the students from learning. learning

  Glen Denham, director of Massey High School, asks the Minister of Schools Education before starting the ...


Glen Denham, director of the Massey High School, wants the Minister of Education to consult schools before beginning the review process

"I want every young person to have access to"

Denham said that the coalition agreed that changes needed to be made to the current NCEA process, but that she wanted to be part of the conversation. We did not feel that we had been properly consulted about the review and the deployment was incredibly poor. "

Denham said that the coalition had made some progress over the past few days with a beginning conversation The Minister opened the window for us, but at this point, we need a rancher slider, but we hope that there will be more positive developments early next week. "[19659006] Ideally, Denham said the next seven days would include a discussion of ideas with Hipkins as well as the fact that the Ministry of Education would go to schools and listen to what teachers have to say.

be happy to accompany the ministry in the process of revision [its]. "

– Stuff

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