SIMON O 'CONNOR / STUFF [19659005] National Party leader Simon Bridges speaks to the crowd at TET Stadium in Inglewood on Monday afternoon.
National Chief Simon Bridges made a quick tour of Taranaki with the promise that he would return before the 2020 elections.
Bridges held public meetings in Hawaii, Inglewood and New Plymouth on Monday as part of of his national tour, which has visited 30 centers and has more than a month to come.
His objectives were simple. One was to listen and understand what the public wanted in order to help the party adapt its policies and plans for New Zealanders and to push Labor's power back to the next general election
. because the reality is that I will ask people to vote to be prime minister, "said Bridges at the Inglewood meeting
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* Prime Minister Simon Bridges? The National shows the first signs of the path of victory in the next elections
The goal was to be able to target help where it was needed
"So we do more for those who need it most"
M. Bridges said that people were interested in various issues, but that he believed that the focus was on the economy and the cost of living. [19659007Itwassaidthatalotofpeopleweredissatisfiedwiththeregionalfocusonfuelsandhowitwouldaffect
While the national deputies occupy the three electoral seats in the region – New Plymouth, Taranaki King Country and Whanganui – Bridges wanted to continue building "We are far from resting on our laurels, we will make sure we understand what are the problems on the ground. to do around those parts where He banned oil and gas exploration and downplayed agriculture. "
million. Bridges said he wanted the National to be a real option for voters by 2020 and that he wanted to give Taranaki the infrastructure he needed to build his own destiny. 2015 Bridges, as Minister of Transport, turned the first pinion in the $ 11 million realignment of Normanby's killer overbridge and says that National would seek to double the infrastructure that it had provided to the region, which also included $ 15 million. the messenger bypass of $ 245 million, both of which are on National Highway Three North.
"The national needs to be like a swan on the water, we must have the air of hovering but work very vigilantly underneath."
Bridges said that this visit was tapped, he promised to return before the election to show the plan that he hoped would result in National to regain the top seat in Wellington.
"Our approach is undoubtedly very different from that of the government.They think that they can lead this area of the hive, our view is we are laying the platform of infrastructure, but then we get rid of your way and let you do it with less respect and bureaucracy.
"The future of Taranaki is in his hands."
– Stuff