House on fire on the Firth of Thames


  A Whakatiwai house was


A Whakatiwai house was "well involved" when the fire department arrived around 22:15, a said a spokesman. A rural Auckland home was engulfed in flames when emergency services arrived Saturday night.

East Coast Rd House was located in Whakatiwai, opposite the Firth of Thames and 200 m north of Kaiaua School. Four firefighters and seven fire trucks – including two tankers – are on the scene, said a spokesman for the Fire and Emergency Department, Paul Radden

. They go to work to save a shed that has boats in, "he said.

The service was alerted of the fire at 10 pm

Tankers were called from Papakura and Tuakau to the area being uncrosslinked.

Radden said that he was unaware of any one inside the burning buildings. [19659010] The house was located on the regional boundary of Auckland-Waikato.

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