Adverse weather conditions result in the cancellation of the Tauranga Winter Tights Winter Lights event tonight


Strong winds and rain forced the cancellation of a key event for the Tauranga family tonight.

The Winter Nights Winter Lights Shore Lights Festival is now canceled due to a severe weather warning

as scheduled on Monday nights from 6pm to 10pm with a significantly better time.

A severe weather warning was issued for Plenty Bay, west of Maketu.

Between 70 and 100mm of rain are expected today, mainly near Kaimais, with peaks of 20 to 30mm / h, with possible localized showers.

Metservice meteorologist April Clark said that the "Biggie" today would be the effect of the tides of the king arriving at the same tide. [The swell and king tides] "[The swell and king tides] means that we are looking into the possibility of a marine flood on the east coast of Northland at Bay of Plenty.

There was still uncertainty because if winds wer Although she was not as strong as expected, the swell would be smaller, but she urged people living in coastal areas to be aware.

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