Government pilot project offering free advice to all 18-25 year olds
Last Updated: 13:01, July 23 2018
Chris Skelton
Julie Anne Genter: "There must be more information about what works in New Zealand
The government is looking for an agency to manage a $ 10.5 million mental health pilot project offering free counseling to 18-25 year olds. [19659007] The pilot project will be the first important step towards the realization of a pledge of trust and supply agreement between the Green Party and the Labor Party to provide free advice to all older youth 25 years and under
$ 10.5 million contract now open to competition, project to last three years
Ministry of Health looks forward to advancing two-year pilot project only
Julie Anne G, Assistant Minister of Health enter, said the pilot was needed to know what would work in a New Zealand context. : "We know young people with mild to moderate mental health needs help." "Title =" "src =" /w/n/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qx1qb.png/1532307664306.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>
KEVIN / STUFF STENT [19659005] David Clark: "We know that young people with mild to moderate mental health needs need help."
"There is more and more evidence that psychological therapies can help improve the mental health of young people. More information is needed about what works in the New Zealand context, which works for young Maori, young disabled, young Pacific Islanders and New Zealand youth. "
" This driver can help us collect this information.
Health Minister David Clark said it was essential to get up early because of mental health problems
"We know young people with mild to moderate problems. "Three-quarters of all cases of mental illness for life start at age 25. This highlights the importance of providing support to our youth as early as possible. "
" We must make a difference for the rangatahi who do not currently have access to mental health services for various reasons – because they can not services are not appropriate, or because their needs are not recognized as severe enough.
Labor campaigned to put mental health nurses in every public high school and launch a mental health survey.
The Greens have campaigned for free advice for everyone under 25, with the goal of extending it to all adults.
The government has been criticized for eliminating funding for an $ 8 million pilot project. see a mental health worker attend all crisis calls with police and ambulance personnel.
The pilot was part of a $ 100 million mental health package announced by the previous government.
The money – without ted allowance – had been set aside in a contingency fund.
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