Police in New Zealand came to the birthday party of a little boy in riot gear – but not for reasons you might suspect.
The boy, known only as Zachary, is a big fan of the Manukau Police and was organizing a themed birthday party at his home in Auckland to celebrate the occasion.
He even went so far as to call the emergency line to personally invite them to the festivities, inviting them to call home to find out why they were receiving repeated phone calls from his number.
Sarah, her mortified mother, reassures her Call operator that there is no urgency and apologizes deeply for his son using the line of urgency.
She said, "I'm really sorry. It was my son of almost five, he was just telling me that he wanted to invite the police to his birthday party.
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"I did not"
Fortunately, the call operator could see it. humor in the situation and said, "I do not know if we'll be able to do it, but I'll put it"
But the officers on leave gave up their time to make his day and go to his party in full speed and let him and his friends play in their police cars.
When he responds to the door he is a little He met his heroes and hides behind the door, before the police offer him a stuffed toy and invite him and all his friends, to take a closer look at the 39; equipment that they brought.
Clippings in a montage of Zachary and his friends enjoying the unexpected surprise.
But the police warned the children not to repeat Zachary's habit of calling them.
Manukau police said: Zachary's birthday wish to life, we do not encourage children calling the 111 to invite the police to their birthday.
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