Qualcomm – Conflict Apple "at the door" of the resolution, maker of chips eager to work with the giant Cupertino


Many legal disputes and battles between Qualcomm and Apple following a quarrel that occurred last year in October. Since then, both giants have boycotted themselves and Apple has suspended the use of their modems on iPhone. Recently, Apple has launched new models of iPhone with a chip made with Intel, they have purely marginalized Qualcomm. According to statistics, 50 separate cases are pending in 16 different jurisdictions in six countries.

qualcomm mollenkopf

In the midst of tensions, Qualcomm has announced good news regarding the launch of a new cooperation with Apple. In a CNBC TV show, Qualcomm's general manager, Mollenkopf, said the company was about to resolve the conflicts with Apple. On the same show, speaking to Cramer, Mollenkopf added that they continue to "speak as a business" despite tensions.

Finally, the CEO of Qualcomm has released these words of agreement with Apple – like this year or early next year. In real terms, Mollenkopf said: "We have always talked – I am very consistent – that … the second half of this year and next year are those where we are really about to find a resolution and we do not see anything different. . "

Defying previous reports of non-settlement between the two companies, the new release has given rise to new expectations. Instead of a long trial, it seems that they have found a way to cooperate and have cooperated with each other without significant loss.

Regarding 5G technology, the general manager said Qualcomm "would like to work with Apple". The official words are: "I think there is always an opportunity and a risk when you have these big transitions, or generations of wireless change, " he told Cramer. "It's an opportunity to be left behind or to make sure you're part of this new generation. Of course, we work with everyone. We would like to work with Apple. "

Overall, this is good news for both companies, as they seem to have resolved the conflict without pursuing the legal battle that would have cost them more with unnecessary wasted time.

We expect Qualcomm to integrate its 5G compatible modem into the next iPhone models by 2020, as there is no more time for the 2019 iPhone models.

So, how do you evaluate this resolution between the two giants? Share your thoughts via the comments below.


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